Cocoa Uikit For Os X

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The Cocoa application layer is primarily responsible for the appearance of apps and their responsiveness to user actions. In addition, many of the features that define the OS X user experience—such as Notification Center, full-screen mode, and Auto Save—are implemented by the Cocoa layer.

Note: In this book, Cocoa usually refers to the application layer of OS X. In other Apple technical documents, Cocoa frequently refers to all programmatic interfaces that you might use to develop an app, regardless of the layer in which those interfaces reside.

The term Aqua refers to the overall appearance and behavior of OS X. The Aqua look and feel is characterized by consistent, user-friendly behaviors combined with a masterful use of layout, color, and texture. Although much of the Aqua look and feel comes for free when you use Cocoa technologies to develop your app, there are still many steps you should take to distinguish your app from the competition. To create a beautiful, compelling app that users will love, be sure to follow the guidance provided in OS X Human Interface Guidelines.

Aug 29, 2014 As far as high level frameworks for graphics programming are concerned there are only 3 main ones in iOS. 1)UIKit.framework 2) CoreGraphics.framework 3) QuartzCore.framework The fourth being Quartz.framework but it is a Mac OS X based framework. Up to$5cash back  Mac OS X programmers use a framework called AppKit that supplies all the windows, buttons, menus, graphics contexts, and event handling mechanisms that have come to define the OS X experience. The Cocoa Touch equivalent is called UIKit. You are using an iOS playground (UIKit-based), not an OS X playground (Cocoa-based). Try creating a new playground and choosing 'OS X' as the type instead of 'iOS'. It should work fine after that. You can also change the type for an existing playground in the File Inspector (View→Inspectors→Show File Inspector) under Playground Settings. Using your iPhone development background, create Mac apps with Cocoa using the latest Swift 3 and Xcode 8 OS X 4.5 (811 ratings) Course Ratings are calculated from individual students’ ratings and a variety of other signals, like age of rating and reliability, to ensure that they reflect course quality fairly and accurately.

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High-Level Features

The Cocoa (Application) layer implements many features that are distinctive aspects of the OS X user experience. Users expect to find these features throughout the system, so it’s a good idea to support all the features that make sense in your app.

Notification Center

Notification Center provides a way for users to receive and view app notifications in an attractive, unobtrusive way. For each app, users can specify how they want to be notified of an item’s arrival; they can also reveal Notification Center to view all the items that have been delivered.

The Notification Center APIs, which help you configure the user-visible portions of a notification item, schedule items for delivery, and find out when items have been delivered. You can also determine whether your app has launched as a result of a notification, and if it has, whether that notification is a local or remote (that is, push) notification.

To learn about integrating the Notification Center into your app, see NSUserNotificationCenter Class Reference and NSUserNotification Class Reference. To ensure that your app gives users the best Notification Center experience, read Notification Center. In addition, you can add items to the Today view using a Today extension, see Today in the App Extension Programming Guide.

Game Center

Game Center accesses the same social-gaming network as on iOS, allowing users to track scores on a leaderboard, compare their in-game achievements, invite friends to play a game, and start a multiplayer game through automatic matching. Game Center functionality is provided in three parts:

  • The Game Center app, in which users sign in to their account, discover new games and new friends, add friends to their gaming network, and browse leaderboards and achievements.

  • The Game Kit framework, which contains the APIs developers use to support live multiplayer or turn-based games and adopt other Game Center features, such as in-game voice chat and leaderboard access.

  • The online Game Center service supported by Apple, which performs player authentication, provides leaderboard and achievement information, and handles invitations and automatching for multiplayer games. You interact with the Game Center service only indirectly, using the Game Kit APIs.

Note: To support Game Center in a game developed for OS X, you must sign the app with a provisioning profile that enables Game Center. To learn more about provisioning profiles, see Provisioning Your System.

In your game, use the Game Kit APIs to post scores and achievements to the Game Center service and to display leaderboards in your user interface. You can also use Game Kit APIs to help users find others to play with in a multiplayer game.

To learn more about adding Game Center support to your app, see Game Center Programming Guide.


The sharing service provides a consistent user experience for sharing content among many types of services. For example, a user might want to share a photo by posting it in a Twitter message, attaching it to an email, or sending it to another Mac user via AirDrop.

Use the AppKit NSSharingService class to get information about available services and share items with them directly. As a result, you can display a custom UI to present the services. You can also use the NSSharingServicePicker class to display a list of sharing services (including custom services that you define) from which the user can choose. When a service is performed, the system-provided sharing window is displayed, where the user can comment or add recipients.


Resume is a systemwide enhancement of the user experience that supports app persistence. A user can log out or shut down the operating system, and on next login or startup, OS X automatically relaunches the apps that were last running and restores the windows that were last opened. If your app provides the necessary support, reopened windows have the same size and location as before; in addition, window contents are scrolled to the previous position and selections are restored.

To support app persistence, you must also implement automatic and sudden app termination, user interface preservation, and Auto Save. See, Automatic and Sudden Termination of Apps, User Interface Preservation, and Documents Are Automatically Saved in the Mac App Programming Guide.

Full-Screen Mode

When an app enters full-screen mode it opens its frontmost app or document window in a separate space. Enabling full-screen mode adds an Enter Full Screen menu item to the View menu or, if there is no View menu, to the Window menu. When a user chooses this menu item, the frontmost app or document window fills the entire screen.

The AppKit framework provides support for customizing the appearance and behavior of full-screen windows. For example, you can set a window-style mask and can implement custom animations when an app enters and exits full-screen mode.

You enable and manage full-screen support through methods of the NSApplication and NSWindow classes and the NSWindowDelegate Protocol protocol. To find out more about this feature, read Implementing the Full-Screen Experience in Mac App Programming Guide.

Cocoa Auto Layout

Cocoa Auto Layout is a rule-based system designed to implement the layout guidelines described in OS X Human Interface Guidelines. It expresses a larger class of relationships and is more intuitive to use than springs and struts.

Using Auto Layout brings you a number of benefits:

  • Localization through swapping of strings alone, instead of also revamping layouts

  • Mirroring of UI elements for right-to-left languages such as Hebrew and Arabic

  • Better layering of responsibility between objects in the view and controller layers

    A view object usually knows best about its standard size and its positioning within its superview and relative to its sibling views. A controller can override these values if something nonstandard is required.

The entities you use to define a layout are Objective-C objects called constraints. You define constraints by combining attributes—such as leading, trailing, left, right, top, bottom, width, and height—that encapsulate the relationships between UI elements. (Leading and trailing are similar to left and right, but they are more expressive because they automatically mirror the constraint in a right-to-left environment.) In addition, you can assign priority levels to constraints, to identify the constraints that are most important to satisfy.

You can use Interface Builder to add and edit constraints for your interface. When you need more control, you can work with constraints programatically.

For more information on Auto Layout, see Auto Layout Guide.


A popover is a view that displays additional content related to existing content onscreen. AppKit provides the NSPopover class to support popovers. AppKit automatically positions a popover relative to the view containing the existing content—known as the positioning view—and it moves the popover when the popover’s positioning view moves.

You configure the appearance and behavior of a popover, including which user interactions cause the popover to close. And by implementing the appropriate delegate method, you can configure a popover to detach itself and become a separate window when a user drags it.

For more information, see NSPopover Class Reference and NSPopoverDelegate Protocol Reference. For guidelines on using popovers, see Popovers in OS X Human Interface Guidelines.

Software Configuration

OS X programs commonly use property list files (also known as plist files) to store configuration data. A property list is a text or binary file used to manage a dictionary of key-value pairs. Apps use a special type of property list file, called an information property list (Info.plist) file, to communicate key attributes of the app—such as the app’s name, unique identification string, and version information—to the system. Apps also use property list files to store user preferences or other custom configuration data.

The advantage of property list files is that they are easy to edit and modify from outside the runtime environment of your app. Xcode includes a built-in property list editor for editing your app’s Info.plist file. To learn more about information property list files and the keys you put in them, see Runtime Configuration Guidelines and Information Property List Key Reference. To learn how to edit a property list file in Xcode, see Edit Keys and Values.

Inside your app, you can read and write property list files programmatically using facilities found in both Core Foundation and Cocoa. For more information on creating and using property lists programmatically, see Property List Programming Guide or Property List Programming Topics for Core Foundation.


Accessibility is the successful access to information and information technologies by the millions of people who have some type of disability or special need. OS X provides many built-in features and assistive technologies that help users with special needs benefit from the Mac. OS X also provides software developers with the functions they need to create apps that are accessible to all users.

Apps that use Cocoa interfaces receive significant support for accessibility automatically. For example, apps get the following support for free:

  • Zoom features let users increase the size of onscreen elements.

  • Sticky keys let users press keys sequentially instead of simultaneously for keyboard shortcuts.

  • Mouse keys let users control the mouse with the numeric keypad.

  • Full keyboard access mode lets users complete any action using the keyboard instead of the mouse.

  • Speech recognition lets users speak commands rather than type them.

  • Text-to-speech reads text to users with visual disabilities.

  • VoiceOver provides spoken user interface features to assist visually impaired users.

Although Cocoa integrates accessibility support into its APIs, there might still be times when you need to provide more descriptive information about your windows and controls. The Accessibility section of the Xcode Identity inspector makes it easy to provide custom accessibility information about the UI elements in your app. Or you can use the appropriate accessibility interfaces to change the settings programmatically.

For more information about accessibility, see Accessibility Programming Guide for OS X.


OS X employs AppleScript as the primary language for making apps scriptable. With AppleScript, users can write scripts that link together the services of multiple scriptable apps.

When designing new apps, you should consider AppleScript support early in the process. The key to a good design that supports AppleScript is choosing an appropriate data model for your app. The design must not only serve the purposes of your app but also make it easy for AppleScript implementers to manipulate your content. After you settle on a data model, you can implement the Apple event code needed to support scripting.

To learn how to support AppleScript in your programs, see Applescript Overview.


Spotlight provides advanced search capabilities for apps. The Spotlight server gathers metadata from documents and other relevant user files and incorporates that metadata into a searchable index. The Finder uses this metadata to provide users with more relevant information about their files. For example, in addition to listing the name of a JPEG file, the Finder can also list its width and height in pixels.

App developers use Spotlight in two different ways. First, you can search for file attributes and content using the Spotlight search API. Second, if your app defines its own custom file formats, you should incorporate any appropriate metadata information in those formats and provide a Spotlight importer plug-in to return that metadata to Spotlight.

Note: You should not use Spotlight for indexing and searching the general content of a file. Spotlight is intended for searching only the metainformation associated with files. To search the actual contents of a file, use Search Kit. For more information on Search Kit, see Other Frameworks in the Core Services Layer.

For more information on using Spotlight in your apps, see Spotlight Overview.

Ink Services

Ink Services provides handwriting recognition for apps that support the Cocoa and WebKit text systems and any text system that supports input methods. The automatic support is for text and handwriting gestures (which are defined in the Ink panel). The Ink framework offers several features that you can incorporate into your apps, including the following:

  • Enabling or disabling handwriting recognition programmatically

  • Accessing Ink data directly

  • Supporting either deferred recognition or recognition on demand

  • Supporting the direct manipulation of text by means of gestures

Cocoa Uikit For Os X

The Ink Services feature is implemented by the Ink framework (Ink.framework). The Ink framework is not intended solely for developers of end-user apps. Hardware developers can also use it to implement a handwriting recognition solution for a new input device. You might also use the Ink framework to implement your own correction model to provide users with a list of alternate interpretations for handwriting data.

The Ink framework is a subframework of Carbon.framework; you should link to it directly with the umbrella framework, not with Ink.framework. For more information on using Ink Services in Cocoa apps, see Using Ink Services in Your Application.


The Cocoa (Application) layer includes the frameworks described in the following sections.

Cocoa Umbrella Framework

The Cocoa umbrella framework (Cocoa.framework) imports the core Objective-C frameworks for app development: AppKit, Foundation, and Core Data.

  • AppKit (AppKit.framework). This is the only framework of the three that is actually in the Cocoa layer. See AppKit for a summary of AppKit features and classes.

  • Foundation (Foundation.framework). The classes of the Foundation framework (which resides in the Core Services layer) implement data management, file access, process notification, network communication, and other low-level features. AppKit has a direct dependency on Foundation because many of its methods and functions either take instances of Foundation classes as parameters, or return the instances as values.

    To find out more about Foundation, see Foundation and Core Foundation.

  • Core Data (CoreData.framework). The classes of the Core Data framework (which also resides in the Core Services layer) manage the data model of an app based on the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Although Core Data is optional for app development, it is recommended for apps that deal with large data sets.

    For more information about Core Data, see Core Data.


AppKit is the key framework for Cocoa apps. The classes in the AppKit framework implement the user interface (UI) of an app, including windows, dialogs, controls, menus, and event handling. They also handle much of the behavior required of a well-behaved app, including menu management, window management, document management, Open and Save dialogs, and pasteboard (Clipboard) behavior.

In addition to having classes for windows, menus, event handling, and a wide variety of views and controls, AppKit has window- and data-controller classes and classes for fonts, colors, images, and graphics operations. A large subset of classes comprise the Cocoa text system, described in Text, Typography, and Fonts. Other AppKit classes support document management, printing, and services such as spellchecking, help, speech, and pasteboard and drag-and-drop operations.

Apps can participate in many of the features that make the user experience of OS X such an intuitive, productive, and rewarding experience. These features include the following:

  • Gestures. Users appreciate being able to use fluid, intuitive Multi-Touch gestures to interact with OS X. AppKit classes make it easy to adopt these gestures in your app and to provide a better zoom experience without redrawing your content. For example, NSScrollView includes built-in support for the smart zoom gesture (that is, a two-finger double-tap on a trackpad). When you provide the semantic layout of your content, NSScrollView can intelligently magnify the content under the pointer. You can also use this class to respond to the lookup gesture (that is, a three-finger tap on a trackpad). To learn more about the gesture support that NSScrollView provides, see NSScrollView Class Reference.

  • Spaces. Spaces lets the user organize windows into groups and switch back and forth between groups to avoid cluttering up the desktop. AppKit provides support for sharing windows across spaces through the use of collection behavior attributes on the window. For information about setting these attributes, see NSWindow Class Reference.

  • Fast User Switching. With this feature, multiple users can share access to a single computer without logging out. One user’s session can continue to run, while another user logs in and accesses the computer. To support fast user switching, be sure that your app avoids doing anything that might affect another version of the app running in a different session. To learn how to implement this behavior, see Multiple User Environment Programming Topics.

Xcode includes Interface Builder, a user interface editor that contains a library of AppKit objects, such as controls, views, and controller objects. With it, you can create most of your UI (including much of its behavior) graphically rather than programatically. With the addition of Cocoa bindings and Core Data, you can also implement most of the rest of your app graphically.

For an overview of the AppKit framework, see the introduction to the Application Kit Framework Reference. Mac App Programming Guide offers a practical discussion of how you use mostly AppKit classes to implement an app’s user interface, its documents, and its overall behavior.

Game Kit

The Game Kit framework (GameKit.framework) provides APIs that allow your app to participate in Game Center. For example, you can use Game Kit classes to display leaderboards in your game and to give users the opportunity to share their in-game achievements and play multiplayer games.

To learn more about using Game Kit in your app, see Game Kit Framework Reference.

Preference Panes

The Preference Panes framework (PreferencePanes.framework) lets you create plug-ins containing a user interface for setting app preferences. At runtime, the System Preferences app (or your app) can dynamically load the plug-in and present the settings UI to users. In System Preferences, each icon in the Show All view represents an individual preference pane plug-in. You typically implement preference pane plug-ins when your app lacks its own user interface or has a very limited UI but needs to be configurable. In these cases, you create both the plug-in and the app-specific code that reads and writes the preference settings.

For more information about creating preference-pane plug-ins, see Preference Pane Programming Guide.

Screen Saver

The Screen Saver framework (ScreenSaver.framework) contains classes for creating dynamically loadable bundles that implement screen savers. Users can select your screen saver in the Desktop & Screen Saver pane of the System Preferences app. Screen Saver helps you implement the screen saver view and preview and manage screen saver preferences.

To learn more about creating screen savers, see Screen Saver Framework Reference. Also read the technical note Building Screen Savers for Snow Leopard for additional information.

Security Interface

The Security Interface framework (SecurityInterface.framework) contains classes that provide UI elements for programs implementing security features such as authorization, access to digital certificates, and access to items in keychains. There are classes for creating custom views and standard security controls, for creating panels and sheets for presenting and editing certificates, for editing keychain settings, and for presenting and allowing selection of identities.

For more information about the Security Interface framework, see Security Interface Framework Reference.

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If you've developed an iOS app, many of the frameworks available in OS X should already seem familiar to you. The basic technology stack in iOS and OSX are identical in many respects. But, despite the similarities, not all of the frameworks in OS X are exactly the same as their iOS counterparts. This chapter describes the differences you may encounter as you create Mac apps and explains how you can adjust your code to handle some of the more significant differences.

General Migration Notes

In OS X, apps typically have a screen that is larger, and resources that are greater, than in iOS. As a developer, you have more frameworks at your disposal in OS X development and (generally) more programmatic possibilities. This greater range of possibilities may be a pleasant prospect, but it also requires different ways of thinking about user expectations and app design.

As you work on migrating your app, pay attention to the idioms and metaphors that are different on each platform. For example, you would not base your OS X app on a stack of view controllers or include a feature that requires a gyroscope. It’s important that each version of your app looks and behaves as if it’s been designed for the platform it’s running on.

If your Cocoa Touch app is already factored according to the Model-View-Controller design pattern, it should be relatively easy to migrate key portions of your app to OS X.

Migrating the Data Model

Cocoa Touch apps whose data model is based on classes in the Foundation and Core Foundation frameworks can be brought over to OS X with little or no modification. OS X includes both frameworks, and they are virtually identical to their iOS counterparts. Most of the differences that do exist are relatively minor or are related to features that are not present in iOS. For example, iOS apps do not support AppleScript. For a detailed list of differences, see Foundation Framework Differences.

If your Cocoa Touch app is built on top of Core Data, you can easily migrate that data model to an OS X app. The Core Data framework in OS X supports binary and SQLite data stores (as it does in iOS), and it also supports XML data stores. For the supported data stores, you can copy your Core Data resource files to your OS X app project and use them as is. For information on how to use Core Data in your app, see Core Data Programming Guide.

Because OS X apps can display much more data on the screen than iOS apps can, you can expand your data model as part of your migration, as long as it doesn’t degrade the user experience. In addition to having access to more display space, an OS X app also has access to more resources, including memory. Although you can work with larger data sets, be sure that your algorithms scale to the new platform so that you don’t introduce inefficiencies when you migrate your app.

Migrating the User Interface

For various reasons, the structure and implementation of the user interface (UI) in an OS X app is very different from that in an iOS app. Adapting your app to these differences is the main work of migration. As you bring your iOS app to OS X, keep the following themes in mind.

  • Device differences impact the user experience. In contrast to an iOS app, an OS X app has access to a larger screen, a more dependable supply of power, and a much larger pool of memory. These differences affect how an app presents information to users and how users interact with the app. For example, there is generally only one window per app in iOS, and that window has a fixed size, plays a limited role in the UI, and cannot be manipulated by users. On the other hand, an OS X app often has multiple windows. These windows can contain separate documents, or they might display auxiliary information, such as tool palettes or app preferences. Users can move, resize, close, minimize, and perform other operations with the windows in an OS X app.

  • Users interact with apps differently on each platform. Because people use touch gestures to interact with iOS apps, the onscreen UI objects must be large enough to manipulate with a human finger. In OS X, people use a mouse, trackpad, or other input device to move the onscreen pointer and interact with UI objects. Because the pointer is much more precise than a finger, the layout of an OS X app tends to be very different from the layout of an iOS app.

  • Users are not always aware of the file system. iOS users have no direct access to the file system; instead, an iOS app reads and writes files to prescribed locations in its sandbox. In OS X, users can access the file system using the Finder interface. Although not all OS X apps expose the file system to users, those that do must also be prepared to handle issues related to document format, file encoding, and so on. Some OS X apps—for example, iPhoto and iTunes—keep their databases in an app-specific location and provide users with ways to manage their content without interacting with the file system.

When you create a new OS X app project in Xcode, you don’t get the same app templates to choose from that you do when you start an iOS app project. (Although OS X defines a few app types—described in Apps—these types are not directly related to the project templates.) The Cocoa app template is the typical choice for developing a standard OS X app.

For comprehensive information about the UI design principles of OS X, see OS X Human Interface Guidelines. For programmatic information about the windows and views you use to build your interface, and the underlying architecture on which they are based, see Mac App Programming Guide.

Migration Strategies

When migrating your app from iOS to OS X, there are several approaches you can use to minimize the amount of code refactoring necessary in your view and controller classes. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, and is thus best used in specific instances, as described in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 Comparison of migration strategies


Migration approach



When you have heavily platform-dependent code

Mirror your code across both platforms, customizing as necessary.

Offers flexibility

Code duplication, resulting in greater maintenance and testing costs

When a common, lower-level framework provides necessary functionality

Use the common framework. For example, drop down from UIKit and AppKit to a lower-level, shared framework, to maximize code re-use and and minimize maintenance.

Maximizes code reuse, minimizes maintenance

Significant refactoring of your existing code, and less functionality provided by the lower-level framework

When dealing with an underlying API that’s significantly different between the two platforms (option 1)

Use an adapter pattern, a design pattern that allows the interface of an existing class to be accessed from another interface.

Maximizes code reuse, provides simplified interface, requires less maintenance

Additional code to write

When dealing with an underlying API that’s significantly different between the two platforms (option 2)

Create an adapter using the #define preprocessor macro. For example, replace every instance of your color class with either UIColor or NSColor. This approach also gives you compile-time error checking.

Minimizes new code to write, provides compile-time error checking

Can only be used for supported classes: UIColor and NSColor; UIFont and NSFont; UIImage and NSImage; UIBezierPath and NSBezierPath. Limited API coverage within supported classes. Requires custom archiving approach.

Video::WWDC 2013 Bringing Your iOS Apps to OS X

Migrating the Controller Layer

Controller objects are a critical area of difference between app development for iOS and for OS X. In iOS, UIViewController objects are key components that support the presentation of data and handle many device-specific behaviors such as orientation changes. In OS X v10.10 there are three view controllers: NSViewController, NSSplitViewController, and NSTableViewController. Each view controller type participates in the event message chain and is able to respond to event messages.

Before OS X v10.10 there was only one view controller class, NSViewController, that do not receive event messages. In those earlier versions, the NSWindowController class is most similar to UIViewController. In OS X, a window controller manages a window and its current contents.

OS X has no equivalent to the iOS navigation controller which manages a stack of view controllers. If your iOS app uses a view controller stack to display the UI, you need to redesign your app to take advantage of the larger device display and multiple windows that are available in OS X.

In addition to the view and window controller classes, OS X also has the NSController class. Instances of this class (and its concrete subclasses) are controller objects that are used in the Cocoa bindings technology. (Cocoa bindings, which is not available in iOS, connects data in a model object with the presentation of that data in a view object, so that both objects are updated when the data changes.) Because controller objects manage an app’s data model and not its views, they can be considered data controllers rather than view controllers.

For information about view controllers in OS X, see NSViewController Class Reference, and for information about window controllers see NSWindowController Class Reference. To learn more about NSController objects and Cocoa bindings, see Cocoa Bindings Programming Topics.

Differences Between the UIKit and AppKit Frameworks

In OS X, the AppKit framework provides the infrastructure for building graphical apps, managing the event loop, and performing other UI-related tasks. Although AppKit and UIKit (the corresponding iOS framework) provide similar support to apps, the implementation is very different. When you migrate an iOS app to OS X, you replace a significant number of UIKit classes with functionality provided by AppKit.

For information about the classes of AppKit, see Application Kit Framework Reference.

User Events and Event Handling

Handling events in OS X differs significantly from handling events in iOS apps, mainly because the types of user events on each platform are different. If your iOS app does its own event handling, you will have to rewrite much if not all of the event-handling code when you migrate the app to OS X.

Unlike iOS, which defines touch events and motion events, OS X defines mouse events, keyboard events, trackpad events, tablet events, and tracking-area events. All of these event types relate to peripheral devices that can be attached to a computer. In addition, most of these event types include phases (for example, key-up and mouse-down) or modifiers (for example, pressing the Control key and a character key simultaneously) that event-handling code often has to test for.

Although the AppKit framework also defines touch (NSTouch) objects and gesture events, these events are appropriate only for laptops or desktop computers with supported trackpads. In the OS X version of your app, it’s important to handle events from as many types of input devices as possible.

The basic techniques for handling events on each platform are similar. For example, a custom view must opt in to handle events. Then, to handle an event, a custom view must implement one or more methods declared by the responder class of the app framework.

Common examples of iOS event handlers that you need to replace in OS X are UITapGestureRecognizer and UILongPressGestureRecognizer. UITapGestureRecognizer can be replaced in OS X with the mouseUp: method of NSResponder or subclasses, while UILongPressGestureRecognizer is typically replaced by a right-click event, with a menu displayed using the menuForEvent: method of NSView.

You can do some event-handling tasks in OS X apps that have no parallel in iOS apps, such as tracking the movement of the pointer and monitoring incoming events in your own app or another app.

For more information about handling events in OS X apps, see Cocoa Event Handling Guide.


At a basic level, windows in AppKit play the same role they do in UIKit: They present graphical content in a rectangular area of the screen, they are at the root of a view hierarchy, they coordinate drawing operations, and they help to distribute events. In most other respects, windows and the framework objects that represent them in OS X and in iOS are different. Here are a few key differences between iOS and OS X windows.

  • Most iOS apps have only one fixed size window. In contrast, an OS X app can have multiple windows of varying sizes and styles, and those windows share the screen space with the windows of other apps. Unlike an iOS window, which has no visual adornments, an OS X window usually displays a title and can include controls for moving, closing, resizing, and minimizing the window.

  • An OS X app can have one or more main or secondary windows (an app that has multiple main windows is typically a document-based app). A main window is the principal focus of user events and presents an app’s data. A secondary window generally serves an auxiliary function and might provide additional control over the data presented in the main window. Secondary windows are often panels—that is, instances of the NSPanel class.

  • In UIKit, the UIWindow class is a subclass of UIView, but in AppKit, the NSWindow class is a subclass of NSResponder. Consequently, windows in AppKit are not backed by Core Animation layers as they are in UIKit. This difference means that you have to perform animation explicitly, at the view level. For a summary of Core Animation differences, see Table 7-3.


Most OS X apps have a much larger command set than comparable iOS apps have. In OS X, apps use the systemwide menu bar to present these commands, whereas iOS apps present commands in UI elements such as toolbars, buttons, table views, and switches. As you migrate your iOS app to OS X, think about the best way to move many of the commands invoked by these elements into menus.

Note: OS X apps can have pop-up lists, contextual menus, and menu-like controls such as the combo box in addition to menus in the menu bar.

By default, an OS X app’s menu bar has some standard menus—such as the Apple menu, the app menu, File, Edit, and so on—and each of these menus contains standard menu items. When you create an OS X app project in Xcode, the nib-file template gives you a “starter set” of menus for your menu bar; remove and add menus and menu items to customize this set for your app.

Menu items use the target-action model to send commands (that is, action messages) to appropriate objects in the app. Some of the template menu items prewire their target and action properties. You can assign key equivalents to menu items that are most frequently invoked.

To learn more about menus, read Application Menu and Pop-up List Programming Topics.


A document-based app enables users to create, edit, save, and open multiple documents, such as word-processing or spreadsheet documents.

iOS provides a model for document-based apps through the abstract base class UIDocument. When you adopt the UIDocument approach, your app gets significant behavior with minimal coding effort on your part, including integration with iCloud storage, background reading and writing of data, and an optimized auto-save model.

OS X takes support for documents a step farther, defining an extensive architecture for document-based apps, because this content model is common for the platform. The OS X document architecture is closely based on the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Each document has its own main window and can have secondary windows for auxiliary functions. When you use Xcode to develop a document-based app, you get appropriately configured nib files and stub source files for the NSDocument subclass used to manage your documents.

To learn more about the document architecture, read Mac App Programming Guide.

Views and Controls

Some of the ready-to-use views that AppKit offers are similar to UIKit views in form, function, and interface. But even with these views, there are differences you should be aware of when migrating your code. Other UIKit views have no counterpart in AppKit because they would not work well in OS X; for these views, you must find a suitable alternative. For example, AppKit uses the NSBrowser class to manage the display of hierarchical information; in contrast, an iOS app would use navigation controllers. Some views that seem similar on both platforms have different inheritance characteristics. For example, in iOS UITableView inherits from the UIScrollView class, whereas in OS X NSTableView inherits from NSControl.

Although the view base classes—that is, UIView and NSView—are somewhat similar on both platforms, there are some fundamental differences between them.

Cocoa Uikit For Os X 1

  • Core Animation layers. iOS views are layer backed by default. iOS apps typically manipulate views by changing properties of the view. In OS X, an app must opt in to make its views layer-backed. Consequently, it is more common for AppKit views to perform the same manipulations in their drawRect: method. Table 7-3 gives more information about differences related to Core Animation layers.

  • Default coordinate system. The default coordinate systems used in drawing operations are different in iOS and OS X. In iOS, the drawing origin is at the upper-left corner of a view; in OS X, the drawing origin is at the lower-left corner of a view. See Graphics, Drawing, and Printing for additional information.

  • Use of cells for controls. Because AppKit views can incur significant overhead, some AppKit controls use cells (that is, NSCell objects) as a lightweight alternative to views. A cell holds the information that its control needs in order to send an action message; a cell also draws itself when commanded by its control. Cells make possible controls such as a matrix object and a table view that have two-dimensional arrays of active subregions.

  • Drawing in relation to view bounds. UIView subviews can draw outside their view bounds. By default, NSView subviews clip to view bounds, which is typically the desired behavior.

For functional descriptions of the views and controls available in OS X, along with information on how to use them in your app, see OS X Human Interface Guidelines. To learn about the common characteristics and behavior of AppKit views, see View Programming Guide.

File System

Many OS X apps let users locate files and directories in the file system, save files to specific file-system locations, open files, and do other file-system operations. An iOS app, on the other hand, must perform all file-reading and file-writing operations within the confines of its sandbox. In OS X v10.7 and later, Mac apps can also be “sandboxed,” and this can restrict the file-system operations they can perform (for more information, see App Sandbox). Nonetheless, even these apps might have to be prepared to open and save files in the file system as the user directs (assuming that the user has the necessary file permissions).

An OS X app enables these file-system behaviors largely through the Open and Save panels (implemented by the AppKit classes NSOpenPanel and NSSavePanel). Through instances of these objects, the app can present file-system browsers to users, prevent files it doesn’t recognize from being selected, and obtain users’ choices. You can also attach custom accessory views to these browsers.

In addition to making use of the Open and Save panels, your app can call methods of the NSFileManager and NSWorkspace classes for many file-system interactions. NSFileManager lets your app create, move, copy, remove, and link file-system items. It also offers other capabilities, such as discovering directory contents, and getting and setting file and directory attributes. Operations of the NSWorkspace class augment those of NSFileManager; these operations include launching apps, opening specific files, mounting local volumes and removable media, setting the Finder information of files and directories, and tracking file-system changes. (Sandboxed apps can’t use NSWorkspace in many situations.)

If your iOS app writes and reads files in the Documents directory, it uses the NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains function to get the proper directory path in the app sandbox. In OS X, you use the URLsForDirectory:inDomains: method of the NSFileManager class instead; for this platform you might need to specify domains other than the user domain, and standard directory locations other than Documents. For example, your app might want to write or read data in the user’s home directory, in Library/Application Support.

Os x uses for hard links free. Not sure what specs are relevant but it's a white, early 2008, MacBook 4.1, model MB402LL/A. I did upgrade to 4GB of RAM. I currently run 10.7.5 Lion.

Note: OS X apps should always store files they create in an appropriate location in the user’s Library directory; they should not store files in ~/Documents unless the user selects that location.

To learn more about file-system domains, standard file-system locations, filename extensions, BSD file permissions, AppKit facilities for managing file-system operations, and other information related to the OS X file system, read File System Programming Guide.

Graphics, Drawing, and Printing

There are many parallels between the graphics and drawing APIs of AppKit and those of UIKit, as shown in Table 7-2. Both frameworks have classes whose instances represent images, colors, and fonts. Both have classes for drawing Bezier paths and categories for drawing strings. Both have functions for stroking and filling rectangles. Both have programmatic facilities for obtaining and transforming graphics contexts of various types. In some cases, you can migrate code that uses UIKit methods and functions to corresponding AppKit methods and functions with little more than name changes.

Table 7-2 Comparison of graphics, drawing, and printing APIs

iOS (UIKit)

OS X (AppKit)




NSImage can render an image from source data appropriate to an output destination.



NSColor, NSColorSpace, color-related view classes

Apps can use NSColorSpace to more precisely define the colors represented by NSColor objects.

Bezier paths


Graphics contexts

Functions declared in UIGraphics.h.


Functions declared in UIGraphics.h.

PDF Kit framework

OS X provides richer PDF support than iOS does.


Multiple classes

Multiple classes

The classes and techniques for printing in each platform are completely different.

On both platforms, you can call Core Graphics functions when the framework-supplied methods or functions don’t suffice for a particular purpose.

Cocoa Uikit For Os X 2

The drawing model for AppKit views is nearly identical to the drawing model for UIKit views, with one exception. UIKit views use a coordinate system where the origin for windows and views is in the upper-left corner by default, with positive axes extending down and to the right. In AppKit, the default origin point is in the bottom-left corner and the positive axes extend up and to the right. This is the default coordinate system of AppKit, which happens to coincide with the default coordinate system of Core Graphics. To change the default origin of an Appkit view, override the view’s isFlipped method and return YES. The following types of views are are already flipped by default: NSButton, NSScrollView, NSSplitView, NSTabView, and NSTableView.

Note: Whereas UIKit uses Core Graphics data types for rectangles, points, and other geometric primitives, AppKit uses its own defined types for the same purpose—for example, NSRect and NSPoint.

For information about graphics and drawing in OS X, see Cocoa Drawing Guide. To learn more about printing in OS X, see NSPrintInfo Class Reference.


AppKit offers apps a sophisticated system for performing text-related tasks ranging from simple text entry to custom text layout and typesetting. Because the Cocoa text system is based on the Core Text framework and provides a comparable set of behaviors, Cocoa apps rarely need to use Core Text directly.

The native text support of UIKit is limited. Still there is some correspondence between that support and the support offered by AppKit—namely, text views, text fields, font objects, string drawing, and HTML content. If your iOS app uses Core Text to draw and manage fonts and text layout, you can migrate much of that code to your OS X app.

For an introduction to the text system of AppKit, see Cocoa Text Architecture Guide.

Table Views

Table views in AppKit are structurally different from table views in UIKit. In UIKit, a table view has any number of rows, and one or more sections but it has only one column. In AppKit, a table view can have any number of rows and columns (and there is no formal notion of sections). An iOS app typically uses a series of UIKit table views, each in their own screen, to present a hierarchical data set. An OS X app, on the other hand, typically uses a single AppKit table view to present all of a data set at the same time.

The structures of these table views differ because of the differences between the platforms. Table views, perhaps the most versatile UI object in iOS, are ideal for displaying data on a smaller screen. Apps use them to navigate hierarchies of data, to present master-detail relationships among data, to facilitate quick retrieval of indexed items, and to serve as lists from which users can select options.

Table views in OS X exist largely to present tabular data in a larger window. AppKit provides other UI objects that are suitable for some of the roles played by UIKit table views—for example, lists (pop-up lists, checkboxes, and radio buttons) and navigation of data hierarchies (browsers and outline views). Consequently, when you migrate your app’s table views to OS X, you should first consider whether another AppKit view better suits your app’s needs than a table view.

Table views in AppKit are NSTableView objects. Cells occupy the region where the rows and columns of the table view intersect. A table view’s cells can be based on NSCell objects or, in OS X v10.7 and later, NSView objects. View-based table views are the preferred alternative. Populating AppKit table views is similar to populating UIKit table views: A data source is queried for the number of rows in the table view and is then asked for the value to put into each cell. Table views in OS X have these other parallels with UIKit table views:

  • Cell reuse. The delegate of a view-based table view can return a view to use for a cell; the view has an identifier. On the first request, the table view loads this view from a nib file and then caches the view for subsequent requests.

  • Animated operations. Both NSCell-based and NSView-based table views have methods for inserting, removing, and moving rows and items, optionally with an animation.

NSOutlineView, a subclass of NSTableView, has many of these same behaviors. For more information about creating and using table views, see Table View Programming Guide for Mac. NSStackView is an Auto Layout–based view that creates and manages the constraints needed to create horizontal or vertical stacks of views. For more information about creating and using stack views, see View Programming Guide.

Other Interface Differences

When migrating your app, you should keep in mind other technology differences between UIKit and AppKit; Table 7-3 summarizes these differences.

Table 7-3 Differences between UIKit and AppKit in interface technologies



Core Animation layers

Every drawing surface in OS X can be backed by a Core Animation layer (as in iOS), but an app has to explicitly request this backing for its views. Once this request is made, animation is supported for changes in the properties of the views. In AppKit you don’t get the same easy-to-use view-based animation support that you do in UIKit.

AppKit also includes the animation features of layer hosting, animation proxies, and classes for animating multiple windows and views.

For information about the animation capabilities and features of OS X, see Animation Overview.

Target-action model

Target-action in AppKit defines only one form for method signatures, unlike UIKit, which has three forms. Controls in AppKit send their action messages in response to a discrete user action, such as a mouse click; the notion of multiple actions associated with multiple interaction phases does not exist on the platform. However, a control composed of multiple cells can send a different action message for each cell.

For more information about controls and the target-action model in OS X apps, see Control and Cell Programming Topics.

Responder chain

The responder chain in OS X differs slightly from the responder chain in iOS. As of OS X v10.10, view controllers are added as part of the chain for either user events or action messages. In earlier versions of OS X, view controllers are not part of the chain. For action messages, the responder chain in OS X includes window controllers and the view hierarchies of key windows and main windows. AppKit also uses the responder chain for cooperative error handling.

To learn more about the responder chain, see Cocoa Event Handling Guide.

User preferences

In OS X, all preferences belong in your app; there is no separation of preferences between those managed by your app and those managed by the system. OS X has nothing comparable to the Settings bundle used by iOS apps to specify user preferences presented by the Settings app. Instead apps must create a secondary window for the user preferences. Users open this window by choosing Preferences from the app menu. In addition, OS X integrates user preferences into Cocoa bindings and enables command-line access to the underlying defaults system.

One commonality is that both AppKit and UIKit apps use the NSUserDefaults class to retrieve user preferences.

For more information, see Preferences and Settings Programming Guide.

Accessor methods versus properties

UIKit makes extensive use of properties throughout its class declarations, but AppKit mostly declares accessor methods instead of properties.

Foundation Framework Differences

A slightly different version of the Foundation framework in iOS is available in OS X. Most of the classes you would expect to be present are available in both versions—for example, both framework versions provide support for managing values, strings, collections, threads, and many other common types of data. There are, however, some technologies that are present in Foundation in OS X but not included in iOS. These technologies are listed in Table 7-4.

Table 7-4 Foundation technologies available in OS X but not in iOS



Spotlight metadata management

Spotlight is a technology for organizing and accessing information on a computer using file metadata. (Metadata is data about a file, rather than the actual file contents.) If you want your app to create Spotlight queries and interact with the results, you use special query and predicate objects.

For more information, see Spotlight Overview.

Cocoa bindings

Cocoa bindings is a technology that lets you, during development, establish a connection between an item of data encapsulated by a model object and the presentation of that data in a view. It eliminates the need for glue code in the controller layer of an app.

For more information, see Cocoa Bindings Programming Topics.

Cocoa scripting (AppleScript)

Using certain classes of Foundation along with supporting technology, you can make an app scriptable. A scriptable app is one that responds to commands in AppleScript scripts.

To learn more about this technology, see Cocoa Scripting Guide.

Distributed objects and port name server management

Distributed objects is an interprocess messaging technology. With distributed objects, an object in an app can send a message to an object in a different Cocoa app in the same network or in a different network. The port name server is an object that provides a port-registration service to distributed objects.

For information about this technology, see Distributed Objects Programming Topics.

The Foundation framework in OS X provides support for both event-driven and tree-based XML processing. The NSXMLParser class (also available in iOS) supports the parsing of a stream of XML. In addition, the framework provides the NSXML classes (so called because the names of these classes begin with “NSXML”). Instances of these classes represent an XML document as a tree structure of nodes, including elements and attributes.

For a list of the specific classes that are available in OS X but not in iOS, see the class hierarchy diagram in The Foundation Framework in Foundation Framework Reference.

Differences in the Audio and Video Frameworks

In OS X and iOS the primary framework for audiovisual media is AV Foundation. The programmatic interfaces of the framework are almost the same in each platform. Just about any code you write using the iOS version of the framework should be valid with the OS X version. The presentation of audiovisual media, however, is different on the two platforms—specifically, OS X does not have the Media Player framework.

There are substantial differences between the audio frameworks of iOS and the audio frameworks of OS X. The following are the audio technologies of OS X that are not present in iOS:

  • Programmatic interfaces in the Audio Unit framework for creating dynamically loadable plug-ins for audio processing (audio units) and conversion (audio codecs), along with bundled user interfaces for audio units

  • Additional built-in audio units and audio codecs, along with additional capabilities in like-named audio units

  • Programmatic interfaces in the Core Audio framework for interacting with audio hardware

  • Programmatic interfaces in the I/O Kit framework for creating and using audio drivers

  • Additional capabilities in the OpenAL framework, such as the ability to record audio and to use multichannel audio and surround sound

  • Programmatic interfaces in the Core MIDI framework for music sequencing

  • Audio development tools (AU Lab, auval, afconvert)

Note: AV Foundation includes classes for playing and recording audio. These classes are adequate to the audio needs of many apps.

iOS, on the other hand, has audio technologies that are not present in OS X—for example, the Media Player framework, the vibration capabilities of the Audio Toolbox framework, the programmatic interfaces for input clicks, and the audio-session interfaces in the Audio Toolbox and AV Foundation frameworks, including the notions of audio session categories, interruptions, and route changes.

OS X also offers Quick Time, a legacy set of multimedia technologies for playing, creating, editing, importing, compressing, and streaming media of various types. Quick Time is available in both OS X and Windows systems.

To learn more about AV Foundation, see AVFoundation Programming Guide.

Cocoa Uikit For Os X 10

Differences in Other Frameworks Common to Both Platforms

Table 7-5 lists the key differences in other OS X frameworks from their counterparts in iOS.

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Table 7-5 Differences in frameworks common to iOS and OS X




Contains the interfaces for accessing user contacts. Although it shares the same name, the OS X version of this framework is very different from its iOS counterpart.

OS X has no framework for presenting an interface for contacts, whereas iOS does.

For more information, see Address Book Programming Guide for Mac.


Contains the Core Foundation Network interfaces. In OS X, the CFNetwork framework is a subframework of an umbrella framework, Core Services. Most of the interfaces, however, are the same for iOS and OS X.

For more information, see CFNetwork Framework Reference.


Contains the Quartz interfaces. You can use Quartz to create paths, gradients, shadings, patterns, colors, images, and bitmaps in exactly the same way you do in iOS. The OS X version of Quartz has features not present in iOS, including PostScript support, image sources and destinations, Quartz Display Services support, and Quartz Event Services support. In OS X, the Core Graphics framework is a subframework of the Application Services umbrella framework and is not a top-level framework, as it is in iOS.

For more information, see Quartz 2D Programming Guide.


Provides classes for accessing and manipulating calendar events and reminders. The iOS version does not include reminder items.


Provides APIs that help you incorporate Game Center, peer-to-peer connectivity, and in-game voice chat into your game. Some of the classes that present UI are different on iOS and OS X.


Provides functions and classes that reduce the effort required to create new shader-based apps or to port existing apps that rely on fixed-function vertex or fragment processing provided by earlier versions of OpenGL ES or OpenGL. The iOS version includes classes that simplify the creation of OpenGL ES-aware views and view controllers. In OS X, NSOpenGLView class subsumes the GLKView and GLKViewController classes in iOS.


OS X uses OpenGL instead of the OpenGL ES framework used in iOS. This fuller-featured version of OpenGL is intended for desktop systems. The programmatic interface of OpenGL is much larger than the one for OpenGLES. OpenGL has many extensions that are not available in the embedded version of the framework.

For information about the OpenGL support in OS X, see OpenGL Programming Guide for Mac.


Contains the Core Animation, Core Image, and Core Video interfaces. Most of the Core Animation interfaces are the same for OS X and iOS. However, the iOS version of the framework lacks the API support for layout constraints and Core Image filters found in the OS X version.

For more information, see Quartz Core Framework Reference.


Contains the security interfaces. Its OS X version includes more capabilities and programmatic interfaces. It has authentication and authorization interfaces and supports the display of certificate contents. In addition, its keychain interfaces are more comprehensive than the ones used in iOS.

For information about the security support in OS X, see Security Overview.


Contains networking interfaces. The OS X version contains the complete interfaces, not just the reachability interfaces you find in iOS.

For more information, see System Configuration Programming Guidelines.

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