Download Equalizer For Mac Os X

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Music equalizer for mac

All audiophiles and music lovers know about the importance of Equalizer, but sadly the default iTunes Music player on Mac OS X doesn’t come with an equalizer. Neither does the Spotify app for music streaming has an in-built equalizer. So, here’s a free app which will add a great working Equalizer to Mac OS X Â (Mavericks, Â Yosemite, Mountain Lion & El Capitan as well)

How to Install Equalizer on Mac OS X –

Audio Equalizer For Mac

  • First of all, Download the eqMac app for Mac OS X from the link below (its free of cost unlike Hear app) and can be classified as a Boom app alternative –
    Click here to Download the eqMac Equalizer for Mac app (.dmg) file.
  • After downloading the eqMac install the downloaded .dmg file , by dragging and dropping the app image to Applications folder as shown in the below image. A detailed tutorial to install apps from .dmg file can be found here. (Tip – open the .dmg file by pressing ctrl key + mouse click to install)

    Drag & Drop the icon to install eqMac Mac Equalizer

    Now, after dragging & dropping the eqMac icon the app will be installed.

  • Launch the eqMac app, it will ask you permissions to modify the sound output , permit the app to required audio access.
  • The eqMac app will now be showned up on your TopBar as shown in the below image –

    Equalizer on Mac (eqMac)

    Now simply adjust the corresponding toggles to change the Bass , Treble and adjust the equalizer to Bass , Flat , Jazz , Rock or any other type of Songs & Audio.

  • You can directly change the audio output from the topbar which no other equalizer app provides for free!.
  • Also eqMac isn’t a media player and changes the system audio Stream it works with iTunes, Spotify, Google Chrome (Youtube) or any other media app installed on your Macbook. Thus eqMac is a highly recommended app.

Note –Â Inorder to disable the app, simply Close the app by clicking on “Quit” in the drop-down menu and your Audio would be back to the normal Mac OS Output.


Best Equalizer For Mac

iTunes is the default audio player in Mac OS X Snow Leopard. In addition to the standard volume controls, iTunes offers a full equalizer. An equalizerpermits you to alter the levels of various frequencies in your music, allowing you to boost low sounds, lower high sounds, or anything in between. Now you can customize the way your music sounds and adjust it to your liking.

To open the Equalizer, do one of the following:

Use the Equalizer sliders to tweak the sound of your music.
  • Choose Window→Equalizer.

  • Press Command+Option+2.

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Equalizer For Mac

The Equalizer window has an impressive array of 11 sliders. Use the leftmost slider (Preamp) to set the overall level. The remaining sliders represent various frequencies that the human ear can perceive. Setting a slider to a position in the middle of its travel causes that frequency to play back with no change. Move the slider above the midpoint to boost that frequency; conversely, move the slider below the midpoint to reduce the volume of that frequency.

Best Equalizer For Mac

Continue adjusting the equalizer sliders until your music sounds the way you like it. When you close the Equalizer window, iTunes remembers your settings until you change them again.

In case you prefer to leave frequencies to the experts, the iTunes Equalizer has several predefined settings to match most musical styles. Click the pop-up menu at the top of the Equalizer window and select a genre.

Choose a genre to find a good fit for your favorite music.

After you adjust the sound to your satisfaction, close the Equalizer window to return to the iTunes interface and relax with those funky custom notes from James Brown.