How To Install Autoswitch Mod For Mac Os High Sierra

MacOS is one of the most popular operating systems which is developed and market by App Inc. since 2001. It is the second most widely used OS as per Wikipedia. If you are currently using MacOS older version then I have good news that you can upgrade your old OS with MacOS high sierra for free.

  1. How To Install Autoswitch Mod For Mac Os High Sierra 10 13 6
  2. How To Install Autoswitch Mod For Mac Os High Sierra 10 13 1 Download

Called High Sierra, the new operating system is more about refinements than new features, as it aims to make your Mac more reliable, capable, and responsive while laying the foundation for future innovations in the worlds of VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality). Sep 20, 2016  The latest operating system update for MacBooks and desktop Macs, macOS Sierra, is finally here. Besides eschewing the OS X moniker, Sierra finally brings Siri to the Mac.

MacOS High Sierra is the fourteenth release of macOS which comes with a lot of upgraded features. You can download the MacOS high sierra from the direct download link for your Mac computer, VirtualBox or Vmware.


  1. This new upgraded version has improved the reliability of SMB printing.
  2. Bluetooth appeared as unavailable has been fixed.
  3. Added support for 70 new emojis.
  4. You can now unlock a FileVault-encrypted APFS volume using a recovery keychain file.
  5. It has improved the reliability of the Microsoft Exchange message sync.

How to download MacOS high Sierra

If you are a Mac user then you can easily download the iso installer (dmg file) from the official site of apple. click here (if you are a Mac user, else skip this).


If you are not a Mac user or you are a windows user (and want to install Sierra in VirtualBox, Vmware or any other virtual machine) then you can download the file from the below link:

Download MacOS High Sierra (from apple site)

How to install MacOS High Sierra on Virtual Machine

  1. First of all, download and install VirtualBox or Vmware on your computer (Windows or any other)
  2. And then download the MacOS high sierra. This file will be in zip format. And so you need to extract it by using WinRAR or any other tool.
  3. Now, Launch the Virtual machine and then “Create a new machine”. And then do the following settings:
    Name: macOS 10.13 High Sierra
    Type: Mac OS X
    Version: macOS 10.13 or 10.12
    Memory size: 3GB to 6GB ( 65% of your Ram)
    Virtual disk file: macOS high Sierra 10.13.vmdk
  4. And now, you have to select “Use an exsting virtual hard disk file” and Open “macOS high Sierra 10.13.vmdk” File.
  5. And then follow the wizard.
  6. That’s it.
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Your Mac doesn’t work well after you’ve installed macOS High Sierra? Or something went wrong during the installation? One of the easiest ways to fix such issues is reinstalling the operating system. Don’t worry, it won’t affect your files, data, apps, user settings, etc. Only a fresh copy of macOS High Sierra will be installed on your Mac again.

Please note that if you need to remove the data and reset your Mac to factory settings, go for clean install macOS High Sierra. A clean install will delete everything associated with your profile, all your files and documents, while the reinstall will not.

Once you’ve decided that you want to keep all your data intact, take advantage of our comprehensive guide on how to reinstall macOS High Sierra. But before you start, you have to prepare your Mac for the process.

Before You Begin: Back Up Your Data

Although the process of reinstalling is safe, it is still recommended to back up your data. Should something go wrong, you’ll be able to easily restore all necessary files.

There are a few incredibly easy ways to back up the files, documents, applications, etc. So, you can choose the most convenient one for you. One of the possible Mac backup solutions built into macOS is Time Machine. It allows frequent automatic backups. Surely, you can use iCloud, Dropbox or any other external storage to back up essential data.

Before reinstalling the macOS High Sierra, you might also need to clean the system junk. And not the system junk alone, but also gigabytes of other unwanted files like app leftovers, browser extensions etc. You don’t want to reinstall the operating system with all the clutter it contains, do you? You can clean up your Mac manually, but using an app like CleanMyMac X will save you tons of time. It will scan the system and safely remove all junk in a matter of minutes.

Once you’ve backed up your files and cleaned your Mac, you’re ready to reinstall macOS High Sierra.

Aug 08, 2015  The first thing I would remove from your Mac is MacKeeper. It is crapware. The only thing it is good for is lining Zeobit's pockets with gold. As far as your Mac is concern all it can do is cause trouble. Ez7z is a command line compressor which is redundant in my opinion seeing as how OS X has zip software builtin. I would delete it also. Ez7z for mac os x. Jun 20, 2013  Ez7z is an easy-to-use archiver that allows users to perform a number of tasks:. Expand 7z, bzip2, gz, rar, tar, and zip files. Shrink files into 7z, bzip2, gz, tar, and zip formats. View the contents of an archive without opening it.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Reinstall macOS High Sierra

Here’s how you can reinstall the macOS High Sierra and keep all files and user settings.

  • Back up your Mac before you begin (just make sure you didn’t forget to do it).
  • Click the Apple icon in the top left corner of your screen and choose Restart from the menu.
  • Use the combination of Command and R keys; you’ll see the macOS Utilities window.
  • Pick Reinstall MacOS.
  • Click Continue.
  • Select your hard drive (this is usually Macintosh HD).

How To Install Autoswitch Mod For Mac Os High Sierra 10 13 6

  • Click Install and complete the process.

That’s it! As you see, reinstallation is not a difficult process and it has an obvious advantage — it keeps all your data and configurations untouched. Now you can enjoy the new exciting features of macOS High Sierra, like faster Safari and better graphics.

However, if you don’t like the new version of macOS, don’t let it give you a bad time. You can always downgrade to Sierra. But before turning to such radical measures, try to reinstall the macOS High Sierra. Probably it will resolve all the issues.

We hope you found this article helpful. Have a nice day and stay tuned!

How To Install Autoswitch Mod For Mac Os High Sierra 10 13 1 Download

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