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Six years in the making, Apple’s promise of a modern OS is upon us. This update couldn’t come at a better time for the Mac-based design community. While watching our Windows counterparts enjoy the benefits of a modern OS — multi-tasking, intelligent memory management, and freedom from all but the worst crashes — we Mac users languish in our familiar old OS that has been patched, updated, and even streamlined but that has yet to realize the full potential offered by Apple’s “supercomputing” hardware. At long last, OS X promises to give us an operating system capable of pushing the silicon inside the box — something every designer should cheer. This latest Mac OS should also prove more stable and — like or not — it will introduce an all-new user interface. In anticipation of the forthcoming final, shipping version of OS X, we delved into the public beta to see what designers and other creative professionals could expect.

Again, keep in mind that this discussion is based on the public beta of OS X. It would be surprising if Apple radically changed the OS or its new user interface at this point in time, but stranger things have happened.

Escape Velocity
At the heart of the G4 processor lies Apple’s Velocity Engine, which speeds complex mathematical computations like those required by graphics applications, voice-recognition software, and 3-D games. Developers will still have to recode their apps to take full advantage of the Velocity Engine and the increased power of a dual-processor Mac, but unlike OS 9 (and older), OS X exploits both hardware advantages to speed system-level tasks such as file copying, screen redraw, and other background tasks. And though the venerable OS 9 does a great many things well, the systems we’ve been drooling over for the past few years would be capable of much more if only the OS managed the processors better. OS X does just that, and adds pre-emptive multi-tasking in the bargain.

Rethinking Memory
Many Mac users know this pain all too well: As you’re working with several applications, suddenly one crashes, bringing down the entire system and doing away with any work you were just about to save. OS X promises to make times like these a thing of the past, partly by using protected memory spaces: In short, if Photoshop decides to crash on you, the rest of your system — including your page layout app, your browser, and your e-mail program — will remain intact.

The other good news is that Mac OS X should be far less likely to crash in the first place. Apple has eliminated the concept of system extensions (those marching icons you see across the bottom of your screen when the computer starts up), which are usually system add-ons meant to improve your system’s capabilities. The reality is that more often these “improvements” — whether they’re from Apple or a third party — generate system-hobbling conflicts that sometimes end up causing more trouble than they’re worth. In OS X, the features once enabled via extensions will be handled by the applications that need them, and will be deactivated when the application closes instead of lurking about looking for trouble.

OS X provides a new Finder Column view, designed to make it easier to navigate and browse nested folders.

The Mac’s approach to memory management has often been a matter of debate. Like Windows, the Mac OS uses “virtual memory” — it uses free hard drive space as memory, to accommodate applications that need more memory than is physically available at a given moment — but there’s a difference: Whereas Windows allocates memory only as needed, Mac OS 9 and earlier allocated static blocks of memory to applications whether or not the applications needed it. So even with OS 9, whether you’re working on a 100MB poster in Photoshop or a 32-pixel icon, the application still claims the same stake of available RAM. This increases the use of virtual memory, which in turn slows system performance.

Virtual memory on the Mac was introduced as an afterthought, and within the Mac community there has been constant debate on its utility. Some have argued that virtual memory should never be used, while Apple recommends that virtual memory be left on. And many Mac users have spent hours tweaking the memory allocation for each application, striving to find that sweet spot where all their applications could live in harmony while using the most RAM they could. OS X does away with both of these headaches: Virtual memory has been incorporated in the underpinnings of the OS, and the OS dynamically allocates RAM to applications as they need it. This means, for example, no more having to close Photoshop to have both Netscape and Dreamweaver open simultaneously. The new memory-management strategy in OS X promises a lot, and it will be interesting to see how well it works when memory-hungry applications such as After Effects need a heaping 2GB of RAM for some serious number-crunching.

Something in the Water?
One of the much-discussed aspects of Mac OS X is its new user interface, referred to as Aqua. At first glance, it’s impossible to ignore that OS X is visually intriguing. It is just this fact that is the source of much of the discussion: Should an operating system’s UI be pretty or practical? Steve Jobs has said that Apple’s intent with Aqua was to create an interface that was universally approachable, meaning whether you were a daily Mac user or had never touched a computer, the OS would work for you on your level. He also likened this universal design to “Toy Story” in that both children and adults should be able to enjoy it and get something out of it.

OS X’s new window controls, in the upper left corner of each Window, are patterned chromatically after the “universal” stoplight.

The question now is whether Apple has succeeded in creating a truly universal interface or has sacrificed functionality for form. The simple red, yellow, and green jewels in the upper-left corner of each open window might be aesthetically pleasing and simultaneously as understandable as a stoplight, but what if you’re colorblind? Much like QuickTime Player 4.0, which became a case study in poor user interface principals, OS X’s Aqua seems to risk jeopardizing user function by making UI elements come off slick or pretty.

One new addition to OS X that many agree needs more work is the Dock, which is similar to Windows’ Taskbar. The problem with the Dock is that it’s meant to take over the operations now found within the Apple menu, the Application menu, and window-shading but unfortunately does none of these well. The Dock is usable but instead of being an improvement or a natural progression of what Mac users have today, it’s one step forward, two steps back as far as usability goes. While arguably a better version of the Windows Taskbar, for instance, the Dock doesn’t have the flexibility or the expandability of the Mac OS’s expandable Apple Menu/Applications menu combo: In the Apple Menu, it is possible to hierarchically list, launch, or change files, folders, applications, or preferences, while the Applications menu on the upper right of the Finder’s menu bar catalogs running applications and lets the user switch between them with a point and click. The Dock works more like the latter alone, except that it lists open documents as well as applications. A sign of a good user interface is that it becomes transparent, allowing the user to easily perform their tasks, and I have my doubts as to whether Aqua succeeds in this goal or ends up getting in the way. Then again, reviewers are human, too, and it’s possible I’m missing some great elegance or utility simply because I’m not accustomed to the new UI.

Apple’s new Dock appears as a graphically more impressive version of the Windows Taskbar, but it has its drawbacks for Mac users.

Seeing Clearly
One of the core technologies found in Mac OS X that many designers should appreciate is Quartz, the operating system’s display engine. Taking its cue from NeXT’s Display Postscript, Quartz builds on PDF technology and will allow for better system-wide graphics performance, including anti-aliasing of text, color management, and image format handling.

When you first experience the OS X interface you may feel that your monitor has been upgraded. Not only does all onscreen type seem incredibly crisp, but also the icons now sport a high-resolution, photo-realistic look. All of this can be attributed to Quartz.

Probably the biggest impact Quartz will have on designers revolves around its native handling of PDFs. OS X will understand and be able to display or save any PDF without the need for Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. This native PDF capability could also mean a whole new paradigm for printing, as the Quartz system could eliminate the need for PostScript RIPs (raster image processors). Because the printing side of Mac OS X wasn’t all there in the public beta, however, this was somewhat difficult to test, and it’s likely that software developers will have to do some work on their applications to take advantage of this capability in any case. In short, the potential this holds for the publishing community is still down the road a bit.

Apple takes the reins of font management with OS X, diminishing the need for third-party font management products

Font rasterization is also performed natively by Quartz, eliminating the need for Adobe Type Manager. Apple has even taken the extra step of including the ability to create font sets — what they call Collections — directly within the OS, obviating the need for a standalone font management application such as ATM Deluxe, Font Reserve, or Suitcase.

Patience Has its Virtues
When the PowerPC found its way into Apple’s product line, we had to wait a year or two for some major applications to be updated to exploit the power of the new chip architecture. Parts of OS 9 still haven’t been recoded for the PowerPC chip. We likely face a similar waiting period ahead. Many of the major software developers have confirmed their support for OS X and their plans to begin developing OS X software as soon as the OS is finally released, but don’t hold your breath waiting for the updates to your favorite apps. Macromedia seems to be ahead of the game on this: The company presented a beta version of Dreamweaver 4 running on OS X at last year’s Seybold in September.

Long Live the Mac
Mac users have cried out for years for a nimble operating system that wouldn’t take down their entire computer when one application crashed, and for an OS that wouldn’t move through molasses even when a large file was being copied in the background. And why not have an operating system that truly takes advantage of Apple’s gee-whiz goodies such as multiprocessors and the G4’s Velocity Engine? Well, the good news is that Mac OS X may well answer these prayers and then some, at least from a technical perspective. Hopefully the revamped user interface won’t get in our way. The bad news is, we’re going to have to wait for software developers to rewrite their applications to take full advantage of these features. This could mean another year or two out before we can experience this revolutionary OS at its best, though you should benefit from its increased stability and better memory management right out of the box.

Read more by George Penston.

Editor’s note: During his Macworld Expo opening keynote address after we posted this article, Steve Jobs announced that because of beta-user feedback, the shipping release of OS X will restore the Apple menu to the left of the screen and make other interface improvements. Jobs said the shipping release will be available beginning Saturday, March 24.


These are a set of modules that provide interfaces to various legacy Mac OS toolboxes.If applicable the module will define a number of Python objects for the variousstructures declared by the toolbox, and operations will be implemented asmethods of the object. Other operations will be implemented as functions in themodule. Not all operations possible in C will also be possible in Python(callbacks are often a problem), and parameters will occasionally be differentin Python (input and output buffers, especially). All methods and functionshave a __doc__ string describing their arguments and return values, andfor additional description you are referred to Inside Macintosh or similar works.

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These modules all live in a package called Carbon. Despite that name theyare not all part of the Carbon framework: CF is really in the CoreFoundationframework and Qt is in the QuickTime framework. The normal use pattern is


Most of the OS X APIs that these modules use are deprecated or removedin recent versions of OS X. Many are not available when Python isexecuting in 64-bit mode. The Carbon modules have been removed inPython 3. You should avoid using them in Python 2.

37.8.2. Carbon.AH — Apple Help¶

37.8.4. Carbon.Appearance — Appearance Manager constants¶

37.8.5. Carbon.CF — Core Foundation¶

The CFBase, CFArray, CFData, CFDictionary, CFString andCFURL objects are supported, some only partially.

37.8.7. Carbon.CarbonEvt — Carbon Event Manager¶

37.8.8. Carbon.CarbonEvents — Carbon Event Manager constants¶

37.8.10. Carbon.Components — Component Manager constants¶

37.8.11. Carbon.ControlAccessor — Control Manager accssors¶

37.8.12. Carbon.Controls — Control Manager constants¶

37.8.13. Carbon.CoreFounation — CoreFounation constants¶

37.8.14. Carbon.CoreGraphics — CoreGraphics constants¶

37.8.16. Carbon.Dialogs — Dialog Manager constants¶

37.8.18. Carbon.Drag — Drag and Drop Manager¶

37.8.19. Carbon.Dragconst — Drag and Drop Manager constants¶

37.8.21. Carbon.Evt — Event Manager¶

37.8.23. Carbon.Files — File Manager constants¶

37.8.25. Carbon.Folder — Folder Manager¶


37.8.26. Carbon.Folders — Folder Manager constants¶

37.8.28. Carbon.Help — Help Manager¶

37.8.29. Carbon.IBCarbon — Carbon InterfaceBuilder¶

37.8.30. Carbon.IBCarbonRuntime — Carbon InterfaceBuilder constants¶

37.8.32. Carbon.Icons — Carbon Icon Manager constants¶

37.8.34. Carbon.LaunchServices — Carbon Launch Services constants¶

37.8.36. Carbon.Lists — List Manager constants¶

37.8.38. Carbon.MediaDescr — Parsers and generators for Quicktime Media descriptors¶

37.8.40. Carbon.Menus — Menu Manager constants¶

37.8.42. Carbon.OSA — Carbon OSA Interface¶

37.8.43. Carbon.OSAconst — Carbon OSA Interface constants¶

37.8.44. Carbon.QDOffscreen — QuickDraw Offscreen constants¶

37.8.46. Carbon.Qdoffs — QuickDraw Offscreen¶

37.8.48. Carbon.QuickDraw — QuickDraw constants¶

37.8.50. Carbon.Res — Resource Manager and Handles¶

37.8.51. Carbon.Resources — Resource Manager and Handles constants¶

37.8.52. Carbon.Scrap — Scrap Manager¶

This module is only fully available on Mac OS 9 and earlier under classic PPCMacPython. Very limited functionality is available under Carbon MacPython.

The Scrap Manager supports the simplest form of cut & paste operations on theMacintosh. It can be use for both inter- and intra-application clipboardoperations.

The Scrap module provides low-level access to the functions of the ScrapManager. It contains the following functions:


Return current information about the scrap. The information is encoded as atuple containing the fields (size,handle,count,state,path).




Size of the scrap in bytes.


Resource object representing the scrap.


Serial number of the scrap contents.


Integer; positive if in memory, 0 if ondisk, negative if uninitialized.


Filename of the scrap when stored on disk.

See also

Scrap Manager

Apple’s documentation for the Scrap Manager gives a lot of useful informationabout using the Scrap Manager in applications.

37.8.54. Carbon.Sound — Sound Manager constants¶

37.8.56. Carbon.TextEdit — TextEdit constants¶

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37.8.58. Carbon.Windows — Window Manager constants¶