Mac High Sierra Git Pull Ask For Password

Recently my sister asked me to reinstall the macOS High Sierra on her iMac because it stopped working correctly. I thought that it would be easy to do but I was mistaken. I successfully installed the macOS Mountain Lion (when using the NetBoot it automatically selects the version of macOS with which the iMac was shipped with). But then I was facing multiple issues trying to update macOS from Mountain Lion to High Sierra via the Mac App Store.

  1. Git Pull Asks For Password
  2. Mac High Sierra Git Pull Ask For Password Windows 10
  3. Git Branch
  4. Git Pull Remote Branch
  5. Mac High Sierra Git Pull Ask For Password Key

After downloading a copy of macOS High Sierra from the Mac App Store, I started installing the update. The Mac rebooted, and it seemed that everything was going well, but it was not. The progress bar did not move at all, or moved very slowly. I waited a few hours…


I began to figure out what was going on and found out the following. Attempting to download macOS High Sierra from the Mac App Store I found that a small 19 MB version of the “Install macOS High” file downloads to the “Applications” folder, rather than the complete 5.2 GB installer file. That’s the problem.

The tiny 19 MB incomplete installer requires an internet connection during usage to download the rest of the High Sierra update files. Additionally, it does not allow me to create a macOS High Sierra USB installer drive for use on multiple computers.

This morning, as of 8 a.m., the update is available for download, and starting later today it will be automatically installed on all systems running the latest version (10.13.1) of MacOS High Sierra. Nov 13, 2017  Some MacOS High Sierra users have reported issues with wireless networking after updating their Mac to the latest system software version. The problems may range from difficulties connecting to wi-fi networks, dropping wi-fi connections (particularly after waking from sleep), sluggish wireless speeds, and other frustrating connectivity problems with wi-fi networks. Nov 29, 2017  This also works at a Mac login screen, where you can click “Other” to sign in as someone other than the usual user of the Mac, then enter “root” as the user name with no password. That root user can see everything on the Mac, delete files, and wreak havoc Apple has responded to the revelation about the bug with a note that says. Jul 29, 2016  The most efficient way to password protect folders on your Mac OS Sierra for free is by creating an encrypted image and then mount the folder as a virtual disk. When you use encryption to the image, Mac OS Sierra will ask for you to enter a password to mount the image.

I’ve found a new workaround, and in this tutorial, I’ll show you how to download the complete “Install macOS High” file from Apple server using the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app instead of via the Mac App Store.

About the app

In this workaround, we’re going to use the macOS High Sierra Patcher app from the This app is intended for those with unsupported Macs and Hackintosh users, but any Mac user can use the app to be able to download the complete macOS Mojave installer file from Apple server. For our purposes in this particular walkthrough, we will use the app only to download the complete installer file.

Note! This method relies on a third party app from an unverified third party source. If you are not comfortable with using unvetted and unverified software, do not follow this process.

Git Pull Asks For Password

Let’s begin

Downloading the complete “Install macOS High” file from Apple server using the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app is a really easy process. Now, step by step guide.

Go to the official website of the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app here and download the app.

Launch the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app.

Note! By default, macOS preventing apps from unidentified developers or sources from being launched. So you most likely will get an alert message that says: “macOS High Sierra can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer”. To allow just one specific app to run do the following:

How to format a disk for mac for sierra. Insert the flash drive or hard drive you want to format for Windows compatibility. Click the Erase button. Select the drive you want to format. Warning: the following steps will delete any info you currently have on the drive. Go to the Applications folder on your Mac’s hard drive, then go to the Utilities folder, and launch Disk Utility.

Mac High Sierra Git Pull Ask For Password Windows 10

  1. Hold down the Control key and click the app icon. From the contextual menu choose Open.
  2. A popup will appear asking you to confirm this action. Click the Open button.

Ignore everything about patching, instead pull down the “Tools” menu and choose “Download macOS High Sierra…”.

Confirm that you want to download the “Install macOS High” file, and then point it to a location to save on the hard drive.

Close the “macOS High Sierra Patcher” app when the download is complete and locate the “Install macOS High” file you downloaded.


That’s it, you’re done. Now you have the complete “Install macOS High” file downloaded. So simple isn’t it?

You can confirm that you have the complete “Install macOS High” file by getting info on the file. For this simply select the file and click the Spacebar key (or right-click on the file and choose “Get Info”). The complete installer should be around 5.2 GB rather than the tiny 19 MB incomplete installer that requires additional downloads.

Note! Remember, the “Install macOS High” file deletes itself automatically after macOS High Sierra has successfully installed. Therefore, you may want to make a backup by having previously copied it to external storage.

Let me know in the comments section if you know another way to download the complete “Install macOS High” file rather than the tiny incomplete installer.

I hope this article has helped you learn how to downloaded the complete “Install macOS High” file from Apple server. If this article helped you then please leave a comment

Thanks for reading!

Arthur is a designer and full stack software engineer. He is the founder of Space X-Chimp and the blog My Cyber Universe. His personal website can be found at

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[Update 11/29:Apple Releases macOS High Sierra Security Update to Fix Root Password Vulnerability, according to MacRumors]

You may have heard rumblings about an incredibly bad bug in macOS High Sierra that allows anyone to walk up to a Mac and log in as a root superuser without needing a password. Now the root superuser has ultimate control of any UNIX-based machine, and that’s the case with this bug; as root, you can pretty much “have your way” with a Mac. This post is to show you how the bug works and how to quickly enable a fix until Apple is able to send out a macOS High Sierra update.

Git Branch

The bug was discovered by developer Lemi Ergin, who found that anyone could sit down at a Mac and get superuser just by using the username “root” and a blank password. It works when trying to access an administrator account on an unlocked Mac, but even worse, it lets anyone log into a locked Mac using “root” and the blank password.

Want to try this on your own Mac? Here’s how (and this works from any Mac account, whether with admin rights or as a guest):

1) Launch System Preferences

2) Click on Users & Groups

3) Click the lock icon in the lower left corner to provide access for making changes to a user account

4) Type “root” as the User Name

5) Move the cursor to the Password field, click on it, but don’t type a password into the blank field

6) Click the “Unlock” button. The Mac should now give you full access to add a new administrator account, delete an account, and so on…

Git Pull Remote Branch

(With this bug, logging in as user “root” with a blank password provides full access to a Mac.)

This also works at a Mac login screen, where you can click “Other” to sign in as someone other than the usual user of the Mac, then enter “root” as the user name with no password. That root user can see everything on the Mac, delete files, and wreak havoc…

Apple has responded to the revelation about the bug with a note that says:

Canon dpp for mac os x. I did not go the typical migration route ( i.e. Download Mavericks and let it upgrade your platform and apps).

“We are working on a software update to address this issue. In the meantime, setting a root password prevents unauthorized access to your Mac. To enable the Root User and set a password, please follow the instructions here: If a Root User is already enabled, to ensure a blank password is not set, please follow the instructions from the ‘Change the root password’ section.”

This might not be an issue if you’re the only person with access to your Mac, but if you’re in an environment where someone has unfettered access to your Mac you should set a root account with a password.

Rather than repeat what is said on the Apple support page referenced in the quote above, we suggest that you head to that web page immediately and follow the instructions to enable the root user on your Mac. Note that once Apple has resolved the issue with a patch, you should disable the root user.

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Mac High Sierra Git Pull Ask For Password Key

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