Mac Os Sierra Mouse Pointer For Windows

Sometimes your mouse cursor (pointer) disappears; is invisible / missing on your MacOS High Sierra MacBook. In this article, I teach you how to fix the disappearing cursor problem.

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Use Right-Click

The first thing that you can do is right-click. Go ahead. Press the right-click button on your mouse.

Does it bring the cursor back to your MacBook’s screen? If not, try the other fixes below.

Change The Cursor Size

Jan 18, 2018  From Windows XP to Windows Vista to Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and now, Windows 10, lots of things changed in layout or functionalities inside Windows operating system but the most frequently used thing is as it is – The mouse cursor. Unlike other changes and upgrades, the mouse cursor has seen little to no improvements. I use virtualbox everywhere (i'm a big fan) so I have VB on windows10,Linux (manjaro), macOS Sierra and Yosemite. ONLY on macos Sierra (tested on multiple devices) the windows 10 and Linux guests UI/mouse lags bad! The only way to make thing better is to disable mouse integration, but than the pointer is no longer accurate and you loose this.

Mac Os Sierra Mouse Pointer For Windows

Some users report that changing the cursor size fixes the problem. And, obviously, you need to use keyboard keys to go to the relevant sections. Here’s what to do:

If you've got burnt thighs from an old MacBook Pro or you notice that your computer is always overheating and crashing from using CPU-intensive apps (like playing PC games in a virtual Windows environment), you might want to check out smcFanControl. As with any settings-tinkering software, you'll want to use smcFanControl judiciously-but fortunately this application always keeps fans in automatic mode (so speed will increase along with CPU load) and never lets you set the fan speed below the Apple-recommended minimum. This free, GPL-licensed utility has a single purpose: letting you increase the minimum speed of built-in fans, so your Intel computer will run cooler.smcFanControl lets you monitor the current temperature (in Celsius or Fahrenheit), assign different minimum speeds for each fan using sliders, and even apply different settings when your power source changes (for example, going back to default fan speed when using battery power). Smc fan control for mac sierra pro. This most recent version adds support for every current MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and Mini. SmcFanControl lets the user set the minimum speed of the build-in fans.

  • Firstly, go to Settings.
  • Then, click on Accessibility.
  • After, click Display.
  • Finally, drag the Cursor size slider to the right to increase the size.

Oct 04, 2017 The answer from getangar, below, has instructions for resetting the NVRAM and that fixed my problem with a sticky mouse pointer. My system is a Mac Mini with 16 Gigs memory running High Sierra, the Apple wireless keyboard and mouse. This is the pointer you see the most. It’s used to point to and select items, move scroll bars, resize windows, and more. If you lose track of the pointer on the screen, quickly move your finger on the trackpad or quickly move the mouse—the pointer briefly gets bigger so you can see it. @Calum: sorry, but I do not agree. I have used Focus-Follows-Mouse on Mac OS X (using CodeTek Virtual Desktop Pro), and it worked perfectly! It worked consistently with all apps, and switching apps, moving windows to different workspaces, and navigating workspaces worked much easier than how it is implemented in the latest OS X 10.6.7.

Press Command (⌘) + Tab

  • Sometimes, a program you open causes the issue. Simply press Command (⌘) and Tab to switch windows.
  • Then, press the keys again to go back to the previous window. The mouse cursor ought to pop up.

Click & Drag

  • Click on your desktop.
  • Drag as if to select an area.

Your mouse cursor ought to reappear. But, if it does not, continue with the other fixes.

Restart Your Mac

Your next option is to reboot your Mac. Go ahead and do so now. If you do not know how, here are the steps:

  • Hold down the Power button until your Mac shuts down completely (it may take 5-10 seconds)
  • Then, hit the Power button again to boot your Mac again.
  • Once it boots, check if the cursor works.


  • Turn off your Mac.
  • Press your power button to turn on your Mac.
  • Immediately after the startup sound, press and holdCommand (⌘), Option, P, and R.
  • Keep holding these keys until your computer restarts again.

Other Advice

Are you watching YouTube videos? Or, maybe you use the Showtime Anytime app? Sometimes, these apps attempt to hide the mouse cursor during video playback. Pause the video to see if the cursor shows up.

Do you use an emulated environment? Then, the cursor sometimes sticks in the emulator. Close it and your mouse should pop up on the Mac screen.

Download Os Sierra For Mac

Reported by:Owned by:
Component: GUI Version: VirtualBox 5.1.16
Keywords: Cc:
Guest type: Windows Host type: Mac OS X


Change History

comment:1 in reply to: ↑ description Changed 3 years ago by socratis

comment:2follow-up:↓ 3 Changed 3 years ago by iustinn

Last edited 3 years ago by iustinn (previous) (diff)

comment:3 in reply to: ↑ 2 ; follow-up:↓ 5 Changed 3 years ago by socratis

comment:4 Changed 3 years ago by michael

  • Status changed from new to closed
  • Resolution set to duplicate
  • Summary changed from UI/mouse lag (windows&linux guests on macos sierra host) to UI/mouse lag (windows&linux guests on macos sierra host) -> duplicate of #16436

comment:5 in reply to: ↑ 3 Changed 3 years ago by iustinn

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