Macos Sierra Enable Access For Assistive Devices

Jan 15, 2017 This video shows you step-by-step how to enable assistive services in Apple macOS 'Sierra'. The software 'ShareMouse' shown in the video is available at http.

I can press control-2 to go to space 2, for example. so, i am coding it in AppleScript.

  1. In System Preferences (Exposé & Spaces), set 'Enable Spaces'
  2. In System Preferences (Universal Access), set 'Enable access for assistive devices'
  3. Go to Space 1 if you are not there already
  4. In AppleScript Editor, paste the following code
    • tell application 'System Events'
    • keystroke '2' using {control down}
    • end tell
  5. Click button 'Run'

Macos Sierra Enable Access For Assistive Devices Yosemite

Working for mac cosmetics salary. However, the script does not go to space 2 but just beeps. why?

Mac mini, macOS Sierra (10.12.3)


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