Modbus Ip Explorer For Os X

The Modbus Explorer App lets you read and write data to any Modbus® device without writing MATLAB® code. With this app you can configure Modbus communication, read and write to Modbus registers, view live plots of register data, and automatically generate a MATLAB live script. The app supports communication over Modbus TCP/IP and Modbus Serial (RTU). Using interactive panels, you can set the baud rate of the communication, define the word and byte order, and set the timeout. You can add coils, input registers, and holding registers. You can save your configuration for future use, eliminating the need to set up the device each time you open MATLAB. The app automatically reads the register data and provides live plots. You can also interactively write data to registers from the app.

We'll demonstrate how to use the app to set up Modbus communication with a Click Koyo Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The controller is programmed with two holding registers and 3 coils/switches. The holding registers are set up as counters. We'll show how to use the app to change the switch values, which will turn the counters on and off. The effect of our changes can be easily viewed in the live plots, which display the values stored in the counter registers.

ShortBus Modbus Scanner is a free Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/IP master utility with full text logging capabilities.

  1. . Modbus® applications for the Mac OS X operating system. ModBusProbe was developed by Matthew Butch of Volitans Software and Rudy Boonstra of R Engineer-ing Inc. To provide one of the necessary tools to use the Apple Mac OS X platform for industrial control. Addi-tionally, the framework ModBusKit was released to encourage further software.
  2. The Modbus Explorer App lets you read and write data to any Modbus ® device without writing MATLAB ® code. With this app you can configure Modbus communication, read and write to Modbus registers, view live plots of register data, and automatically generate a MATLAB live script. The app supports communication over Modbus TCP/IP and Modbus.
  3. The Modbus Explorer offers a user interface to easily set up reads and writes and a live plot to see the values. The read table allows you to easily organize and manage reads for multiple addresses, such as different sensors on a PLC.
  4. Open the Modbus Explorer. On the MATLAB Apps tab, under Test & Measurement, select Modbus Explorer. Choose your communication interface in the Modbus Explorer by clicking Device then Modbus TCP/IP.

At the end of the demonstration, we'll show how to automatically generate a MATLAB live script, which can be used as reference for building test programs that require Modbus connectivity.


If you want to connect IoT devices that use Modbus TCP or RTU protocols to an Azure IoT hub, you can use an IoT Edge device as a gateway. The gateway device reads data from your Modbus devices, then communicates that data to the cloud using a supported protocol.

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This article covers how to create your own container image for a Modbus module (or you can use a prebuilt sample) and then deploy it to the IoT Edge device that will act as your gateway.

This article assumes that you're using Modbus TCP protocol. For more information about how to configure the module to support Modbus RTU, see the Azure IoT Edge Modbus module project on GitHub.


  • An Azure IoT Edge device. For a walkthrough on how to set up one, see Deploy Azure IoT Edge on Windows or Linux.
  • The primary key connection string for the IoT Edge device.
  • A physical or simulated Modbus device that supports Modbus TCP. You will need to know its IPv4 address.

Prepare a Modbus container

Modbus Ip Explorer For Os X

If you want to test the Modbus gateway functionality, Microsoft has a sample module that you can use. You can access the module from the Azure Marketplace, Modbus, or with the image URI,

If you want to create your own module and customize it for your environment, there is an open-source Azure IoT Edge Modbus module project on GitHub. Follow the guidance in that project to create your own container image. To create a container image, refer to Develop C# modules in Visual Studio or Develop modules in Visual Studio Code. Those articles provide instructions on creating new modules and publishing container images to a registry.

Try the solution

This section walks through deploying Microsoft's sample Modbus module to your IoT Edge device.

  1. On the Azure portal, go to your IoT hub.

  2. Go to IoT Edge and click on your IoT Edge device.

  3. Select Set modules.

  4. In the IoT Edge Modules section, add the Modbus module:

    1. Click the Add dropdown and select Marketplace Module.
    2. Search for Modbus and select the Modbus TCP Module by Microsoft.
    3. The module is automatically configured for your IoT Hub and appears in the list of IoT Edge Modules. The Routes are also automatically configured. Select Review + create.
    4. Review the deployment manifest and select Create.
  5. Select the Modbus module, ModbusTCPModule, in the list and select the Module Twin Settings tab. The required JSON for the module twin desired properties is auto populated.

  6. Look for the SlaveConnection property in the JSON and set its value to the IPv4 address of your Modbus device.

  7. Select Update.

  8. Select Review + create, review the deployment, and then select Create.

  9. Return to the device details page and select Refresh. You should see the new ModbusTCPModule module running along with the IoT Edge runtime.

View data

View the data coming through the Modbus module:

You can also view the telemetry the device is sending by using the Azure IoT Hub extension for Visual Studio Code (formerly Azure IoT Toolkit extension).

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Modbus Ip Explorer For Os X Download

Next steps

Modbus Tcp Ip Protocol

  • To learn more about how IoT Edge devices can act as gateways, see Create an IoT Edge device that acts as a transparent gateway.
  • For more information about how IoT Edge modules work, see Understand Azure IoT Edge modules.