New Battery For Macbook Os X

May 09, 2020  They also have the new and improved backlit Magic Keyboard with scissor-switches, so hasta la vista, butterfly! They're also rated for 10 hours of battery life on the 13-inch model, and 11 hours on the 16-inch MacBook Pro. But if you're not getting that much life out of your MacBook Pro, here's a few troubleshooting tips!

Does your Mac’s battery not last as long as when it was new? Users experiencing noticeably shorter battery life on a MacBook, MacBook Pro, or MacBook Air can take a few steps to determine it’s health and overall condition.

It’s completely normal for notebook batteries to gradually become less effective at holding a charge as time goes on. It’s all about the age of the battery, how often it is used, and other conditions like temperature. Battery usage is measured in cycles, which represents the number of times it has been fully discharged. That doesn’t necessarily mean going from 100% down to 0% all on one charge. It can be broken up across a number of charges. For example, going from 100% down to 60% (-40%), then back up to 100% and down to 50% (-50%), then from 100% again to 90% (-10%). Combined, these 3 make up a complete -100% discharge cycle.

Apple’s latest Mac notebook batteries are designed to maintain about 80% of their original charging capacity after 1000 cycles or 5 years. That means a battery that lasted for 5 hours when it was new should last around 4 hours by the time it gets to 1000 cycles. For comparison, PC makers like HP only expect their batteries to hold 80% of their capacity after 300 cycles or 1 year.

Of course, how you treat your battery can influence it’s lifespan. Always keeping your MacBook plugged in to the power adapter and never using the battery can kill it faster than using it every day. That’s why it’s always a good idea to run the battery down completely at least once a month. Extreme temperatures – hot or cold – can damage a battery too. Finally, storing a Mac and its battery for long periods of time when it’s completely empty or full can lessen its ability to hold a charge.

How to tell if you need a new battery

The quickest way to check if your MacBook’s battery is in need of a replacement is to open System Profiler. This is located in Applications > Utilities and can also be accessed by going to the Apple menu > About This Mac > More Info. Click on the Power section in the list and you’ll find information like the cycle count and condition rating. “Normal,” “Replace Soon,” “Replace Now,” and “Service Battery” are the categories Mac OS X displays to communicate the battery’s condition.

For those looking for a bit more information, a free Mac utility called coconutBattery is available for download. It shows the battery’s original capacity and compares it to its current capacity, along with a numerical health rating. Anything above 80% is considered normal, but your battery is likely on its way out if it is somewhere in the 70s or lower. It will still work, of course, but not nearly as long as when it was new. Depending on how often you use the battery and how long you need it to last on a single charge, purchasing a replacement might be a worthwhile investment.

Apple's current MacBook Pro design is is sleeker than ever before, with a wide-gamut Retina display, multiple USB-C / Thunderbolt 3 ports, and smoking-fast SSD storage. They also have the new and improved backlit Magic Keyboard with scissor-switches, so hasta la vista, butterfly! They're also rated for 10 hours of battery life on the 13-inch model, and 11 hours on the 16-inch MacBook Pro. But if you're not getting that much life out of your MacBook Pro, here's a few troubleshooting tips!

Note: Apple's battery life estimates are based on reduced brightness and light internet load like browsing the web or checking email. If you've got the screen at 100 percent, are downloading gigs in an area with poor Wi-Fi, and are transcoding video while you do it, your battery life will be substantially less. This article focuses on what to do when otherwise good battery life goes bad.

Walk away

In addition to a lot of processes running when you set up a new Mac, you're likely to be using it a lot as well. It's your new toy, after all! You want to see how the world looks on that wide color display, how easy it is to authorize with Touch ID, and how many apps you can try out on the Touch Bar.

But that also means the screen might stay on longer than normal and Wi-Fi and other systems might likewise get a lot of abnormally high use.

In other words, if your battery feels like it's only lasting half as long, the first step to fixing it is figuring out if you're using it twice as much.

So, note down how much battery life you have left. Then walk away for 20-40 minutes. When you come back, note down how much battery life you have left again. If there isn't a big change while your MacBook Pro is asleep, you're probably okay, and your battery life will return to normal when your usage returns to normal — you know, after the novelty factor wears off.

If your MacBook continued to drain and drain fast, even when you weren't using it, keep reading!


Mac owners love to make 'restart Windows!' jokes but, the truth is, every computer system can sometimes use a good, swift kick in the bits. Whether it kills a rogue process or just gives bad apps a clean start, rebooting can often be a simple solution to a complex problem.

  1. Click on the Apple menu button in the upper left corner of your screen.
  2. Click Restart...

    Source: iMore

  3. Click the Restart button on the pop-up menu to confirm.

After doing so, the pop-up window begins a countdown from 60 seconds, so if you select Restart and walk away, the computer will complete its task. You can also click the Restart button immediately to end the countdown and reboot the machine.

Once your MacBook Pro has rebooted, repeat the previous steps and see if battery drain has returned to normal. If not, keep reading!

New Battery For Macbook Os X

Update everything

Newer versions of macOS and apps are often better optimized for current-generation hardware. Sure, regressions happen, but for the most part, making sure that you're running the latest and greatest macOS and the most recent releases of Final Cut Pro, Photoshop, Office, and other heavy-duty apps will help you get the best battery life possible.

For macOS updates and Mac App Store updates, the process is easy:

  1. Launch the App Store from the Dock or Finder.
  2. Click Updates in the side panel menu.

    Source: iMore

  3. Click Update next to each app you'd like to update, or click Update All.

    Source: iMore

  4. Enter your Apple ID password if prompted.

For non-Mac App Store apps, you can typically go to the Menubar and find Check for Updates in the app menu or help menu section.

If you do think a newer version is worse on your MacBook Pro battery than a previous version, check forums, social, and ask around. If you find a consensus, consider holding off on upgrading or switching back temporarily until the new version gets its battery act together.

Check usage

Apple invented the concept of 'battery shaming' on the Mac as a way of showing us just which apps were consuming a lot of power, and encouraging the makers of those apps to fix them. Yes, even when that maker is Apple.

  1. Click on the Battery icon on the right of your Mac Menubar.
  2. Click on the name of an app to inspect its power usage.

    Source: iMore

Sometimes there might be a legitimate reason for an app to be consuming a lot of power. For example, if you're transcoding or rendering video or have a silly amount of tabs open with scripts and movies playing in the browser.

Other times there isn't. (Looking at you Chrome and Slack!)

When there isn't, quitting the apps (even killing tabs you're not currently using) can radically improve battery life.

Run native apps

Safari is better on battery life than Chrome because Apple only makes Safari for macOS and can code it to be as efficient as possible. Chrome is cross-platform and has become almost Internet Explorer-like in its desire to make the browser a platform.

Some tests have shown turning off Chrome can save you up to an hour in battery life, which is significant. So, if you don't need something that's Chrome-only, consider running Safari. Even consider running Safari for normal browsing and Chrome only when you need it for heavy Google work. (That's what I do.)

Likewise, Slack is currently a big drain on batteries. (Because, like all Electron-based apps, it's really just a Chome instance in a Slack wrapper.) That's harder to change because you need to be where your team and friends are, but you can shut it down or check it only on your phone or tablet when your MacBook Pro battery gets low.

Same for Final Cut Pro X vs. Premiere or a native app like Acorn or Pixelmator vs. Photoshop. Even if you just keep them around as a light-weight alternative, they can help you in a pinch.

Extend your battery life

If you're stuck without power for an extended period of time and really need to squeeze every ounce of juice out your MacBook Pro that you can, here are a few other hacks you can try.

  • Turn down the screen brightness.
  • Turn off Wi-Fi if you don't need to be online.
  • Use headphones instead of the speakers if you have to listen to audio or music.
  • Turn on Automatic Graphics Switching, Put hard disks to sleep when possible, and Wake for Wi-Fi network access options under the Energy Saver section in System Preferences.

Another good way to save battery life is to quit apps that are running in the background. You can check on what's currently running on your Mac by launching Activity Monitor (Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor), and closing any unnecessary processes. You may be surprised to see how many things are running in the background.

You can also get a power brick. Thanks to USB-C, they're not just for phones or tablets anymore.

Contact Apple

Every once and a while, you get a problem you just can't solve. Like any electronics, sometimes things go wrong. If you have AppleCare, you should absolutely book a Genius Bar appointment and avail yourself of it. If you don't live close to an Apple Store, you can call 1-800-MY-APPLE in order to set up a mail-in repair.

Please note that due to the current COVID-19 situation, your nearest Apple Store may not be open right now. You'll want to double check to make sure it is open again before making a trip down there.

Your power saving tips?

If any of these power-saving tips worked for you, let me know! If you've got any tips of your own, let me know that too!

May 2020: Updated for new 2020 13-inch MacBook Pro.

New Battery For Macbook Os X 10 6 8

MacBook Pro

Replace Macbook Pro Battery


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After you hit enter, leave the computer alone until it beeps and restarts. Then it will go through that process one more time. Chrome for apple os x. Let it beep and restart, and don’t press any keys. Then you will be able to set up your computer. If it doesn’t work the first time, press esc + refresh + power again and then ctrl + D until you get it to prompt you for developer mode (it took me a couple tries).