Odbc Administrator For Mac Os X

The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver must be added before you create the ODBC data source.

Odbc Administrator Tool For Mac Os X V1.0

Odbc administrator tool for mac os x

I didn't use the unixODBC, since OS X has iODBC pre-installed, but after fiddling with odbc.ini (and using the right port. Dumb me), I got it working. – tjsimmons Oct 28 '10 at 15:49 You can use pymssql directly with freetds and skip the ODBC layer if you want – Neil McGuigan Aug 16 '16 at 23:16.

Storing user IDs, encrypted or unencrypted passwords, and database keys in a data source is not recommended.

To add the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver
  1. If necessary, go to http://mac.softpedia.com/progDownload/ODBC-Administrator-Tool-Download-61963.html to download the ODBC Administrator tool.

  2. Launch the ODBC Data Source Administrator from /Applications/Utilities.

  3. Select the Drivers tab.

    Frequently used operations (managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc) can be performed via the user interface, while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement. PhpMyAdmin for Mac is a free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of over the Web. Phpmyadmin for mac sierra pro. PhpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations on MySQL, MariaDB and Drizzle.

  4. Click Add.

  5. In the Description field, type SQL Anywhere 12.

  6. Click Choose and select the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver in both the Driver File Name and Setup File Name fields. By default, it is located in /Applications/SQLAnywhere12/System/lib32/dbodbc12_r.bundle.

    The _r in the bundle name indicates that it is the threaded version of the driver. There is also an unthreaded version (dbodbc12.bundle) for use with unthreaded applications.

  7. Click OK.

You can add the information with a text editor. The ODBC configuration files are located in /Library/ODBC within your home directory. There is an odbcinst.ini file for driver information and an odbc.ini file for data source information.

You can also use the Data Source utility (dbdsn) to create ODBC data sources on Mac OS X. See Data Source utility (dbdsn).

To create an ODBC data source

Odbc Administrator For Mac Os X 10 13 Download

  1. Launch the ODBC Data Source Administrator from /Applications/Utilities.

  2. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator, click the User DSN tab, and then click Add.

  3. In the Name list, click SQL Anywhere 12.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Data Source Name field, type Demo12.

  6. Add the following connection parameters. The connection parameters and values are case insensitive.

    DriverSQL Anywhere 12

    For more information about connection parameters, see Connection parameters.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click Apply.

  9. Press Command+Q to exit the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

Odbc Manager For Mac

See also