Os X Yosemite Icons For Windows

  1. Os X Yosemite Icons For Windows 7
  2. Os X Yosemite Download File
  3. Os X Yosemite Download
  4. Icons For Windows 10
  5. Upgrade Os X Yosemite
Os X Yosemite Icons For Windows

Aug 13, 2015 Apple has also published instructions on how to install or upgrade to Windows 10.Boot Camp 6 brings Windows 10 support to a whole range of Macs running OS X Yosemite (or higher) going back to mid. Jun 03, 2014  Apple plans to give OS X a complete makeover with the launch of Yosemite later this fall. As a preview of things to come, we've created a side by side comparison of Yosemite's new icons with those currently in use in OS X Mavericks.

OS X Yosemite Preview Iconset by johanchalibert (21 icons). Jun 03, 2014 Apple plans to give OS X a complete makeover with the launch of Yosemite later this fall. As a preview of things to come, we've created a side by side comparison of Yosemite's new icons with those currently in use in OS X Mavericks.

In our previous guides we shown you how to install Stable Android OS x86 4.4.4 R3 Update on PC and Laptops which is pretty amazing as you can install android OS on any old PC or laptop and make it useful. If you’re interested in running Mac OS X, then a Hackintosh might be for you if you don’t want to pay for overpriced Mac computer. This guide will give a complete step by step on how to install OS 10.10 Yosemite on any PC that has a Intel base processor.

Installing Mac OS on Windows or Linux PC:
STEP 5: Finalization With MultiBeast

OS X Yosemite on Windows PC -Techposts

Installing Mac OS on Windows or Linux PC:

Things You’ll Need:

  1. Built PC With Intel CPU
  2. Any Computer Running Mac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.6 or later.
  3. USB Stick 8Gb or Larger

What you need to Download:

  • Yosemite
  • UniBeast
  • Multibeast
  • DSDT (if needed)

In order to download Unibeast, Multibeast and DSDT files you need to have an account on tonymacx86. If you don’t have an account then you can create an here.http://www.tonymacx86.com/register.php. Make sure you have Unibeast and Multibeast downloaded and unziped on to your desktop.

STEP 1: Download OSX 10.10 Yosemite

The cool thing is that the whole OS is free for anyone who has a Apple ID and acess to a machine running 10.6.8 Snow Leopard or later.

  1. Open Mac App Store
  2. Log into your Apple ID
  3. Download OS X Yosemite (its a big file >5GB so relax)

STEP 2: Making a Bootable USB Drive

  1. Insert your USB drive the is 8GB or Larger
  2. Open /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility
  3. Select your USB drive
  4. Go to the Partition Tab
  5. Click Current and choose 1 Partition
  6. Click Options and Choose Master Boot Record
  7. Under Name: type USB
  8. Under Format: choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
  9. Click Apply then Partition
  10. Click Continue, Continue, Continue, Agree

    Unibeast for installing Yosemite OS X

    12. At Destination Select, choose USB and click Continue

    13. Choose Yosemite on the Select OS Installation screen
    14. Click Continue

    15. If using a 5 or 6 Series system with AWARD BIOS choose Legacy USB Support
    16. If using a laptop, choose Laptop Support
    17. Click Continue

    18. Enter your password and click Install

    UniBeast will now create the bootable USB drive. Once completed put your the Multibeast folder in the USB drive.

STEP 3: Boot into USB Drive

  1. Turn on the computer
  2. Press the hotkey to choose boot device (usually F12 or F8)
  3. Choose USB-HDD
  4. At the Chimera Boot Screen, choose USB and hit Enter

If you can’t get to the OSX installer, try typing in -x at the Chimera Boot screen. You can also type some other boot flags such as: GraphicsEnabler=Yes, PCIRootUID=1,maxmem=4096, maxmem=8192, and npci=0x2000 individually or in combination in order to solve boot issues.

STEP 4: Install OSX Yosemite 10.10

Once you get to the installer:

1. In the top menu bar choose Utilities, and open Disk Utility
2. Highlight your target hard drive for the Yosemite installation in left column.
3. Click Partition tab
4. Click Current and choose 1 Partition
5. Click Options…
6. Choose GUID Partition Method
7. Under Name: type Yosemite (You can rename it later)
8. Under Format select Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
9. Click Apply then Partition
10. Close out of the Disk Utility
11. When the installer asks you where to install, choose OSX, or your existing install if your just upgrading.
12. When complete system will reset automatically.
13. Press F8 or F12 to enter into boot menu & select your USB drive again.
14. At the Chimera Boot Screen, choose your new OSX installation.
15. Complete the OSX initial setup, date, user, password, etc.

STEP 5: Finalization With MultiBeast

1. Open Multibeast
2. if this is a new install go to the Quick Start tab & choose EasyBeast, UserDSDT, orDSDT-Free.

Os X Yosemite Icons For Windows 7

3. Choose your audio drivers, enable trim if you are using an SSD, select your networking driver, etc. here are my settings based upon my motherboard (Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H)


If the instructions in this guide for installing Mac OS on PC are not clear for you then please watch the following video:

Os X Yosemite Download File

Congrats! You just installed OS X Yosemite on your PC. Please share your thoughts via comments below and don’t forget to Share and subscribe Techposts newsletter by entering your E-mail ID or Follow us on Google+, Facebook and Twiiter.

If you have blank nagivation pane or system files related issues, please apply Blank navigation pane fixer patch before installing.

Os X Yosemite Download

Yosemite Transformation Pack will give you all new OS X Yosemite user experiences combined with iOS 8 graphics such as theme, wallpapers, system resources, and new OS X features combined altogether in single package working on Windows platform since Windows XP to up to Windows 10. In this package, you’ll have the best user experiences greatly resembles real OS X Yosemite from Windows side.


– Seamless installation and uninstallation giving users safe transformation
– Easily configurable in single click with intelligence Metro UI design
– Designed for all editions of Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 including Server Editions
– Genuine OS X Yosemite/iOS 8 system resources
– Smart system files updating with auto-repair and Windows Update friendly
– UxStyle memory patching
– Lion Frame UI including Aero/Mac features for XP and non-Aero system
– OS X Yosemite/iOS 8 themes, wallpapers, user pictures and logon screen
– OS X Dock emulation with pre-configured docklets optimized for stability/performance
– Dashboard and Spaces with shortcut keys configured
– Launchpad access from desktop corner and Dock configured

UxStyle memory patching: http://www.uxstyle.com
UltraUXThemePatcher: http://www.syssel.net/hoefs/index.php
Mac Lion 3.0 for Windows XP: http://HeyItPaul.deviantart.com
Aqua SL for Windows Vista: http://Lukeedee.deviantart.com
OS X Yosemite Theme for Windows 7: http://cu88.deviantart.com
OS X Yosemite Theme for Windows 8/8.1: http://cu88.deviantart.com
OS X Yosemite Theme for Windows 10: http://cu88.deviantart.com
Flurry screensaver: http://www.maddogsw.com/flurry
Windows 7 system files resources base: http://sagorpirbd.deviantart.com
Windows XP/Vista system files resources base: http://asilaydyingdl.deviantart.com
iOS 7 icons: http://iynque.deviantart.com
Yosemite icons: http://cjchristianjoel.deviantart.com
RocketDock: http://www.rocketdock.com
StandaloneStack: http://www.chrisnsoft.com
XWidget/XLaunchpad: http://www.xwidget.com
TrueTransparency: http://www.pngfactory.net/customxp/TrueTransparency
VirtuaWin: http://virtuawin.sourceforge.net
WinaeroGlass: http://www.winaero.com
OldNewExplorer: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/170375-oldnewexplorer-make-your-81-explorer-work-like-win78-one/
LeftSider: http://hsiw.web.fc2.com
Y’z Shadow: http://yzapps.blog24.fc2.com

Version 4.0
-Added Windows 10 support
-Added Yosemite Black theme for Frame UI
-Adjusted taskbar’s transparency level to match with real Yosemite UI
-Changed Dock’s height and icon size to match with real Yosemite UI
-Changed theme engine to UltraUXThemePatcher
-Changed Yosemite theme in Windows 8.1 to ones without relying on transparency hack
-Fixed missing command bar on Windows 8/8.1
-Fixed system icons not being updated due to failure in clearing icon cache
-Increased Yosemite Dock’s opacity
-Updated Dock background to have darken tone and rectangular corner for bottom part

Version 3.0
-Added black theme for Windows 7/8/8.1
-Added completed set of Yosemite wallpapers
-Added Dock configuration like ‘always on top’ and ‘always on top with auto-hide’
-Added ‘Finderbar Taskbar tweaks + Shadow’ option
-Added Helvetica Neue fonts family with unicode compatibility
-Added Taskbar transparency fadein
-Changed default Dock configuration to ‘Enable (always on top)’
-Changed fonts in OS X feature apps to Helvetica Neue
-Fixed non-English OS issue in Dock’s Power options
-Fixed Yzshadow menu transparency bug
-Fixed Yzshadow running only with Transparency
-Updated iTunes icon in resources
-Updated Launchpad wallpaper with blur feature
-Updated OldNewExplorer to version 1.1.0

Version 2.0
-Added Explorer Ribbon removal without modifying system files
-Added power options in Dock
-Changed applying permissions program to cacls instead of icacls
-Changed dock layer to normal so it won’t get interrupt maximized window
-Changed system files update detection to warning level that allow installation
-Changed virtuawin’s hotkeys to fix assignment error with intel/nvidia hotkeys
-Fixed folder icon glitches in Windows Vista/7/8/8.1
-Fixed UxStyle loading improving compatibility
-Fixed start orb glitches on larger DPI
-Removed font substitutions that could cause text rendering glitches in some languages
-Removed instruction text that glitches with multiple accounts in Windows XP logon screen
-Removed system files permission applying for smoother installation
-Removed Windows 8 glass transparency (break iTunes/Spotify)
-Updated taskbar configuration to match with Yosemite UI
-Updated Windows 7/8/8.1 theme for real Yosemite UI Turbo c for mac sierra free.

Version 1.0
-Initial release

–.NET Framework 2.0 – Required for system files transformation (XP/2003 x64 Only).

DownloadTyphoon – “OS X Mavericks Transformation Pack will give you all new OS X Mavericks user experiences combined with iOS 7 graphics such as theme, wallpapers, system resources, and new OS X features combined altogether in single package working on Windows platform since Windows XP to up to Windows 8.”

Icons For Windows 10

Yosemite Transformation Pack is outdated!
And been replaced with: macOS Transformation Pack

Upgrade Os X Yosemite

Download Latest macOS Transformation Pack at ThemeMyPC.com