Rasmol For Mac Os X

Nov 26, 2008  I need to download Rasmol for Mac OS X, but the one I found online doesn't open (like it has no file extension). And I'd really prefer not to use the OS 9 one.

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Mac OS X is Apple's operatingsystem for its line of Macintosh computers. Its interface, known asAqua, is built on a Unix foundation. Although ithas much of the look and feel of the former Mac OS,features such as preemptive multitasking, symmetric multiprocessing,multithreading, and protected memory give Mac OS X improved stabilityand performance. For the current version's system requirements, seeApple's Mac OS XTechnical Specifications.

Currently, four Mac OS X-related products are available:

Mac OS X: This is the version most Macintoshowners should use. It is a consumer operating system designed for useon your personal computer. For more information, see Apple's Mac OS X page and Developer page forMac OS X.

Mac OS X Server: This is Apple's server operatingsystem. It is similar to the consumer release of Mac OS X, but alsoincludes a suite of network services, such as a print server, filesharing, QuickTime streaming, NetBoot, and advanced webhosting. For more information, see Apple's Mac OS X Server page.

iOS: Based on Mac OS X, versions of iOS run on theiPhone, the iPod touch, and the iPad. The iOS was designed forhandheld devices, and is much more tightly controlled than otherversions of Mac OS X. Despite their shared origins, applications(apps) developed for iOS are not compatible with Mac OS X, and viceversa.

Darwin:Darwin is the Unix-likefoundation upon which Mac OS X is based. Its code is opensource, and it is available as a stand-alone operatingsystem. Although Darwin will run many Unix applications, including theX Window System, it does not have the Mac OS X interfaceand thus will not run Mac OS X applications. For more information, seeApple's Developer Open Sourcepage.


Mac Os X Update

RasMol is a program for viewing three-dimensional structures of molecules and is freely distributed . If you don't have RasMol on your computer, versions for MacintoshClassic, Windows, UNIX, and VAX/VMS can be downloaded from:


Go to the following link for an enhanced versionof RasMol

There is no version for Mac OS-X, but the UNIX version may work under Mac's X-Windows. This site also includes information for 'configuring Netscape to use RasMol as a viewer/helper application.'

RasMol reads special text filescontaining the positions of all of the atoms in molecule as well asother types of structural information. It then displays apicture of the molecule in any chosen orientation and in a variety offormats. When a molecule structure file is first loaded, it appearsin a standard orientation and with a standard format.

http://www.okanagan.bc.ca/chem/molecule/molecule.htmlRasMolReference Card in Acrobat PDF Format
Figure 1 shows the RasMol 'MainWindow' displaying a piece of DNA in the 'Ball and Stick'format; this format mimics a molecular model inwhich the atoms are represented by different colored balls and thebonds holding the atoms together by sticks.

RasMol allows you to see amolecule in any orientation: In an actual RasMol display,you can change the orientation of the molecule by moving the scrollbars on the right and on the bottom, or you can simply 'grab' themolecule with the pointer by holding the mouse button down and'dragging' the molecule into the orientation you want (Note: youcannot change the orientation in these Figures because they arestatic images and not actual RasMol display windows).

Figure 2 displays the DNA moleculein a different orientation.The orientation was changed bydragging it with the mouse. Note how the positions of the scroll barshave changed. It is very useful to move the molecule around and lookat it from all angles.

You can change the display format by clicking on the Display menuand selecting the type of display you wish to see from the pull downmenu. In Figure 2, the Displaypull down menu is shown with the 'Spacefill' optionselected. When the mouse button is released, the displaywill change to that representing a spacefilling molecular model.

Figure 3 displays the DNA moleculeas a spacefilling model. This is a format in which eachatom is represented by a sphere with a radius large enough to encloseall of the electrons of the atom. In this 'cpk' color scheme, eachatom is represented by a distinct color;

Mac Os X Versions

red foroxygen,grayforcarbon,magentaforMac os x 10.11 download freenitrogen
, andorange forFreephosphorous.

You can select different color schemes from the color pull downmenu. It is useful to look at a molecule with different displayoptions. The 'Ball and Stick' option is most useful since all atomsand chemical bonds are easily seen, but it is misleading insuggesting that the molecule has a lot of open space. The 'Spacefill'option shows how much space the molecule really occupies. The'Ribbons' display option is useful in viewing protein structures inwhich the protein polymer can adopt several different conformationscalled 'secondary structure.'

The RasMol Command Line Window is shown beneath the main windowand is used to type text commands to RasMol. The text commandscan do the same things as the pull down menus and much more. Youdon't have to worry about the command line window in using BiologyLab Online.

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