Uninstall Mcafee Endpoint Security For Mac High Sierra

Hello, I recently received an used macbook pro 13-inch, early 2015 edition. I updated it to High Sierra ver 10.13.5 around a week ago and have been experiencing huge battery drains. Activity monitors doesn't show anything extreme that I could use to pinpoint the the cause of the problem, although kernal_task is taking over 1.2 gb of memory. The battery drain also occurs when I close the lid or when the computer is in sleep mode. I was able to fix this (afaik as it has only been a few hours since I used the methods I found online) by turning off power nap and typing 'sudo pmset -b tcpkeepalive 0' into the terminal. Other than this improvement, I wasn't able to fix anything else. Some misc. things I did include checking the battery status (which was normal), reseting SMC, and removing the cleanup files (in this case the virtual machine one).

  1. Security For Mac Free
  2. Mcafee Endpoint Removal
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  4. Uninstall Mcafee Endpoint Security For Mac High Sierra Os

Open McAfee Endpoint Security for Mac via Launchpad or your Applications folder. Select Preferences from the application's menu. In the pop-up window, choose the General tab and click on the padlock. When prompted, enter your Mac username and password to make changes. Set Threat Prevention to On. Apr 21, 2019  McAfee Endpoint Security is an anti-virus / malware protection utility and a tool that can significantly slow down your Mac. It's typically deployed in a corporate setting which makes it impossible for you as the user to disable it temporarily. At times however, I find myself needing to disable it (temporarily) - for example when doing large deployments/builds that compile vast amounts of code. Jun 01, 2020 McAfee Endpoint Security for Mac 10.6.9 June 1, 2020 Our new endpoint protection suites emphasize integration, automation, and orchestration as the foundation of the threat defense lifecycle.

Thanks for the help and below is the info from Etrecheck:

EtreCheck version: 4.3.2 (4D034)

Report generated: 2018-06-09 13:43:59

Download EtreCheck from https://etrecheck.com

Runtime: 3:08

Performance: Good

The response is a grey background with a 3.5 floppy icon with flashing question mark “?” – this suggests to me that the emulator is bootstrapping from the ROM ok, but that I am failing to boot from the CDROM ( i.e 9.iso)I’ve tried the “Troubleshooting” hint in the blog of replacing “disk” with “cdrom” in the line which reads “disk /home/pi/mac9x/9.iso” in the file /home/pi/.sheepshaverprefs – to no avail. Now I am trying to get OS 9 running with SheepShaver per the instructions in the video, but I’m hitting a snag.Everything follows the video fine until I try to boot from the 9.iso image. Sheepshaver mac os x. Is anyone having issues with getting audio to work in the emulator?

Problem: Other problem


battery drain

Major Issues:

Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention.

No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found.

Minor Issues:

These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems.

Heavy RAM usage - This machine is using a large amount of RAM.

High battery cycle count - Your battery may be losing capacity.

Clean up - There are orphan files that could be removed.

Unsigned files - There is unsigned software installed. They appear to be legitimate but should be reviewed.

32-bit Apps - This machine has 32-bits apps that may have problems in the future.

Abnormal shutdown - Your machine shut down abnormally.

Hardware Information:

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)

MacBook Pro Model: MacBookPro12,1

1 3.1 GHz Intel Core i7 (i7-5557U) CPU: 2-core

16 GB RAM - Not upgradeable

BANK 0/DIMM0 - 8 GB DDR3 1867 ok

BANK 1/DIMM0 - 8 GB DDR3 1867 ok

Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 978

Video Information:

Intel Iris Graphics 6100 - VRAM: 1536 MB

Color LCD


disk0 - APPLE SSD SM0512G 500.28 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)

Internal PCI 5.0 GT/s x4 Serial ATA

disk0s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB

disk0s2 389.65 GB

disk1s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) 389.65 GB (121.26 GB used)


disk1s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] 389.65 GB (22 MB used)

disk1s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] 389.65 GB (518 MB used)

disk1s4 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] 389.65 GB (1.07 GB used)

disk0s3 - B******P (NTFS) 110.42 GB

Mounted Volumes:

disk0s3 - B******P 110.42 GB (56.22 GB free)


Mount point: /Volumes/B******P

disk1s1 - Macintosh HD 389.65 GB (266.62 GB free)


Mount point: /

disk1s4 - VM [APFS VM] 389.65 GB (266.62 GB free)


Mount point: /private/var/vm


Interface usbmodem1: Low Energy Dongle

Interface en5: USB 10/100/1000 LAN

Interface en0: Wi-Fi

802.11 a/b/g/n/ac

You could use many other programs to create an AppleScript but there probably aren’t many programs which can run them. Document or Desktop – ‘tell application “Finder” to get the name of front Finder window’.In case it isn’t obvious yet, Script Editor is a program which is among the best Mac OS X apps and which you can use to create and run AppleScripts or if you prefer JavaScript. Best shooters for mac os x 10 11 download free. An item in the secondary click menu. However the difference between an Automator workflow and an AppleScript is that AppleScripts require you to open Script Editor and to run the script in that but workflows can be run when an action triggers it e.g. AutomatorAutomator allows you to create thing called workflows which are similar to AppleScripts.

One IPv4 address

Interface en4: iPhone

Interface en3: Bluetooth PAN

Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge

iCloud Quota: 1.19 GB available

System Software:

macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 (17F77)

Time since boot: About 2 hours

System Load: 1.73 (1 min ago) 1.88 (5 min ago) 1.80 (15 min ago)


GatekeeperMac App Store and identified developers
System Integrity ProtectionEnabled

Unsigned Files:

Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist

Executable: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/Java Updater.app/Contents/MacOS/Java Updater -bgcheck

Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist

Executable: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/steamclean

Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist

Executable: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/Helper-Tool

Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

32-bit Applications:

23 32-bit apps

Kernel Extensions:


[Loaded] AVFrameBuffer.kext (Avatron Software, Inc., 3.0.1 - SDK 10.10)

[Loaded] AVVideoCard.kext (Avatron Software, Inc., 3.0.1 - SDK 10.10)

[Loaded] DuetDisplay.kext (Rahul Dewan, 2.0.0 - SDK 10.12)

[Not Loaded] FTDIKext.kext (Wacom Technology Corp., 1.0 - SDK 10.10)

[Not Loaded] Wacom Tablet.kext (Wacom Technology Corp., Wacom Tablet 6.3.14-2 - SDK 10.10)

[Not Loaded] tap.kext (20111101)

[Not Loaded] tun.kext (20111101)

Startup Items:

tun Path: /Library/StartupItems/tun

tap Path: /Library/StartupItems/tap

System Launch Agents:

[Not Loaded] 8 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 171 Apple tasks
[Running] 113 Apple tasks
[Other] One Apple task

System Launch Daemons:

[Not Loaded] 37 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 181 Apple tasks
[Running] 118 Apple tasks

Launch Agents:

[Running] com.wacom.wacomtablet.plist (Wacom Technology Corp. - installed 2015-08-25)
[Loaded] com.pharos.popup.plist (? f3719414 - installed 2017-02-19)
[Loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist (Google, Inc. - installed 2018-02-03)
[Running] com.pharos.notify.plist (? 30c968c - installed 2017-02-19)
[Loaded] com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist (? c6bfafd - installed 2016-12-12)

Launch Daemons:

[Running] com.aaa.windscribe.OVPNHelper.plist (Windscribe Limited - installed 2017-07-02)
[Loaded] com.apple.installer.osmessagetracing.plist (Apple - installed 2018-05-29)
[Running] com.pharos.psnotifyd.plist (? 567167b6 - installed 2017-02-19)
[Loaded] com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist (? e3fefdd2 - installed 2016-12-13)
[Loaded] com.google.keystone.daemon.plist (Google, Inc. - installed 2018-03-05)

User Launch Agents:

[Loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist (? 0 - installed 2017-06-21)
[Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2018-05-30)
[Not Loaded] org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist (? 0 - installed 2018-04-16)

User Login Items:

Contexts Application (? - installed 2018-04-09)


Magnet Application (? - installed 2017-02-18)


Flux Application (? - installed 2017-08-01)


Internet Plug-ins:

JavaAppletPlugin: Java 8 Update 121 build 13 (installed 2017-01-18)

AdobeExManDetect: AdobeExManDetect (installed 2015-09-18)

QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (installed 2018-06-09)

WacomTabletPlugin: WacomTabletPlugin (installed 2015-08-25)

AdobeAAMDetect: (installed 2018-05-25)

SharePointBrowserPlugin: 14.5.2 (installed 2015-07-08)

Safari Extensions:

Wipr.safariextz - Giorgio Calderolla - http://giorgiocalderolla.com/ (installed 2018-03-04)
uBlock Origin.safariextz - Raymond Hill/Ellis Tsung - https://www.github.com/el1t/uBlock-Safari (installed 2018-03-04)

3rd Party Preference Panes:

Java (installed 2017-01-18)

WacomTablet (installed 2015-08-25)

Time Machine:

Time Machine Not Configured!

Top Processes by CPU:

Process (count)Source% of CPULocation
Google ChromeGoogle, Inc.5
Google Chrome Helper (27)Google, Inc.4

Top Processes by Memory:

Process (count)SourceRAM usageLocation
Google Chrome Helper (27)Google, Inc.3.17 GB
kernel_taskApple954 MB
mdworker (9)Apple330 MB
Google ChromeGoogle, Inc.268 MB
iTunesApple195 MB

Top Processes by Network Use:

mDNSResponderApple87 KB51 KB
CalendarAgentApple14 KB10 KB
apsdApple18 KB5 KB
NotesApple11 KB3 KB
clouddApple8 KB3 KB

Top Processes by Energy Use:

Process (count)SourceEnergy (0-100)Location
Google Chrome Helper (27)Google, Inc.2
Google ChromeGoogle, Inc.1
mdworker (9)Apple0

Virtual Memory Information:

Available RAM9.07 GB
Free RAM5.77 GB
Used RAM6.93 GB
Cached files3.30 GB
Swap Used0 B

Software Installs (past 30 days):

NameVersionInstall Date
Adobe Photoshop12018-05-25
Adobe Illustrator12018-05-26
McAfee Agent2018-06-02
McAfee Endpoint Security for Mac2018-06-02
Mac_McAfee ENSM 10.2.3 Student10.2.32018-06-02

Clean up:



Security For Mac Free

Executable not found

Diagnostics Information (past 7 days):

2018-06-09 11:08:12 Last Shutdown Cause: 0 - Power loss

2018-06-02 19:39:01 Adobe Desktop Service.app Crash

/Library/Application Support/Adobe/*/Adobe Desktop Service.app

Mcafee Endpoint Removal

abort() called

*** error for object 0x7a61b530: pointer being freed was not allocated

Internet Security For Mac

End of report

Uninstall Mcafee Endpoint Security For Mac High Sierra Os

MacBook Pro with Retina display, macOS High Sierra (10.13.5), battery drain

Posted on