Dedrm Applescript For Mac Os X

  1. AppleScript is a powerful scripting language that comes built-in to OS X. The principal use for AppleScript is the automation of tasks that are normally repetitious and time consuming. For instance, as a freelancer, I hate creating invoices every week for my various clients. To solve this problem I wrote an AppleScript that reads the hours that.
  2. Oct 21, 2002  Alright, so here's what's up. I'm trying to write an AppleScript (since recording in 10.2 still does not work) that will mount a smb drive on a Win 2K Domain. Normally I can access the drive using the connect to server dialog, but I would like to be able to do this on start up.

Describing AppleScript to a Mac beginner is a bit like three blind men describing an elephant. One man might describe it as the Mac’s built-in automation tool. Another might describe it as an interesting but often-overlooked piece of enabling technology. The third might liken it to a cassette recorder, recording and playing back your actions at the keyboard. A fourth (if there were a fourth in the story) would assure you that it looked like computer code written in a high-level language.

They would all be correct. AppleScript, a built-in Mac automation tool, is a little-known (at least until recently) enabling technology that works like a cassette recorder for programs that support AppleScript recording. And scripts do look like computer programs. (Could that be because they are computer programs? Hmm… .)


If you’re the kind of person who likes to automate as many things as possible, you might just love AppleScript because it’s a simple programming language you can use to create programs that give instructions to your Mac and the applications running on your Mac. For example, you can create an AppleScript that launches Mail, checks for new messages, and then quits Mail. The script could even transfer your mail to a folder of your choice. Then there’s Automator, which includes a whole lot of preprogrammed actions that make a task like the one just described even easier.

AppleScript is a time-and-effort enhancer. If you just spend the time and effort it takes to understand it, using AppleScript can save you oodles of time and effort down the road. Therein lies the rub. This stuff is far from simple; entire books have been written on the subject. Still, it’s worth finding out about if you’d like to script repetitive actions for future use. To get you started, here are a few quick tips:

Postgres for mac sierra. Mate -w /.bashprofile assuming you've textmate), and add the needed line so it's in your path, e.g.: export PATH=/opt/local/lib/postgresql90/bin/:$PATHAfter having saved the file, read the file (. (In my case, it's /opt/local/lib/postgresql90/bin/, as it was installed using MacPorts.)Then, edit the.bashprofile file in your home folder (e.g. (In a terminal, run locate psql grep /bin, and make note of the path. /.bashprofile) or open a new terminal, and type psql.

  • Script Editor (in the Utilities folder inside the Applications folder) is the application you use to view and edit AppleScripts. Although more information on Script Editor is beyond the discussion here, it’s a lot of fun. And the cool thing is that you can create many AppleScripts without knowing a thing about programming. Just record a series of actions you want to repeat and use Script Editor to save what you recorded as a script. If you save your script as an application (by choosing Format → Application in the Save sheet), you can run that script by double-clicking its icon.
  • You can put frequently used AppleScripts in the Dock or on your Desktop for easy access.
  • Many AppleScripts are designed for use in the toolbar of Finder windows, where you can drag and drop items onto them quickly and easily.
  • Scripts can enhance your use of many apps including iTunes, iPhoto, and the Finder, to name a few.
  • Apple provides a script menu extra that you can install on your menu bar in the Script Editor’s Preferences window, along with a number of free scripts to automate common tasks (in the Scripts folder in the root-level Library, or choose Open Example Scripts Folder from the Script Editor’s Help menu).
  • If the concept of scripting intrigues you, explore the examples in the Scripts folder (in the root-level Library or choose Open Example Scripts from the Script Editor’s Help menu). Rummage through this folder and when you find a script that looks interesting, double-click it to launch the Script Editor program, where you can examine it more closely.

Run AppleScripts and shell scripts in a Windows VM 5 comments Create New Account

After you use the Script Menu for a while, you’ll probably get bored with the selection of scripts that Apple ships along with Mac OS X. Luckily, you can take any script you want—for example, an AppleScript you write yourself, or one you download from a Web site listed on Section C.1—and add it to your Script Menu. Free AlQuemia Mac OS Classic/X 10.0/X 10.1 Version 1.0.3 Full Specs. Download Now Secure. If you find AppleScript difficult to learn or you already know JavaScript from programming the Web. AppleScript Mac OS X Scripting OS X (Moderated by alldritt, Nigel Garvey) 25587: 136532: Today 04:07:44 pm by daBee: AppleScriptObjC and Xcode Scripting Related topics for AppleScriptObjC (Moderated by alldritt, Nigel Garvey) 2254: 14752: 2020-07-02 06:17:04 pm by Shane Stanley.

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The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
Run AppleScripts and shell scripts in a Windows VM
To avoid having to put your password in plaintext in the script, consider creating a public-private key pair as described in the PuTTy documentation.
Run AppleScripts and shell scripts in a Windows VM

I used a very similar way back when I needed to generate Growl notifications from Windows Live Messenger running into a Parallels Desktop VM.

A hint I feel like adding, in case people don't want to store their password in a plain text file (being paranoid is never a bad thing, is it), you can use puttygen.exe (download from the same page as plink.exe) to generate a key pair to be used with plink.

  1. In the VM, run puttygen and generate a new 1024-bit SSH2-DSA key
  2. Hit the Save private key button and store it to a convenient location (example: C:Windowsprivkey.ppk)
  3. Copy the text in the 'Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file'
  4. Back to the Mac desktop, run the command touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && open -t ~/.ssh/authorized_keys from a Terminal
  5. Paste in the text editor that pops up the key you previously copied, save and close it

You can now use the following command to run the above mentioned script, and you won't need to edit it if you change your Mac password (it doesn't use passwords anymore to login):
plink.exe -ssh -i C:Windowsprivkey.ppk -noagent -m disable.txt Dave@DavesMac

Run AppleScripts and shell scripts in a Windows VM

That's excellent - thanks! A very necessary addition.
I'm curious about getting Windows apps to display growl notifications - not just MSN, but anything.. any chance you could point me in the right direction?

Im client for mac os x

Run AppleScripts and shell scripts in a Windows VM
What a fantastic hint! I've been frustrated by this problem as well and am a little chagrined that I didn't think of this solution -- especially since I have the whole cygwin implementation on my Windows VM.
The best part of this hint (for me) is the realization that I can forward specific ports through the ssh connection. My company network blocks IMAP, SMTP, POP3 and many other ports, which is painful. I've tried to connect the VM to the Mac via a virtual router; it's just out of my league in terms of making it work.
There is a separate outside wireless network available that doesn't block any ports. I put the Mac Airport on the public net, bridge the Windows VM to the ethernet adapter, and forward the ports I need for IMAP from the Windows environment to the Mac -- where it can escape the tyranny of the corporate net.
Thank you -- you're brilliant. Among the best hints of all time for Mac users forced into a windows environment.

Dedrm Applescript For Mac Os X 10 13 Download

Run AppleScripts and shell scripts in a Windows VM

Dedrm Applescript For Mac Os X 10 11 Download Free

in your shell command to open fusion, you need the .app or else it will fail
open '/Applications/VMWare'
open /Applications/VMware