Mac Os X Installer For Pc

Download Hackintosh Lion Installer. This can be used to Install Mac OS X Lion on a Normal Computer. Step 2: Changing Clover Configuration and Installation of Mac OS X Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download Step 3: Post Installation Configuration of Mac OS X Sierra. Oct 10, 2019 This is a DMG installer package setup. This is compatible for 64 bit and 84 bits respectively and is compatible with almost all of the mac devices. Download Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10 DMG direct file. Here are some of the steps that you can follow to download the Mac OS X Yosemite version onto your Mac system manually.

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Apple may not allow installing Mac OS on other Computers. But it is possible. Let us see how in this article.

As Apple doesn’t allow installing Mac on other devices, it does not mean on never possible. It is made possible through various tools which are available to help to create an installer that will allow installing any version of Mac OS X from snow leopard onwards in any Non-Apple PC.

Before starting the installation of Mac in Windows PC the user must be aware of the fact that, Apple’s license for Mac OS X expressly forbids it being installed on anything other than a Mac.

What Is Necessary To Run OS X On A PC

There are certain necessary things to be obtained before installing OS X on a PC. They are,

  • A compatible PC with 64-bit Intel processor is required.
  • A separate hard drive to install OS X. one which has never had windows installed in it.
  • If the user needs just the basic OS X, should have a minimum of 50GB of free space on the drive.
  • In order to create the OS X installer, the user needs a Mac on which to download it from the App Store.
  • Any Mac that is capable of running EI Capitan will be more sufficient.
  • A tool to create the installer and a USB stick with more than 8GB.

These are the major requirements. And Unibeast is the most popularly used installer creation tools. And it is all free Mac app that creates an installer for OS X on a USB stick which is capable enough to be installed on an Intel PC.

To download it the user must register on

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Once the entire above are fulfilled, the user is ready to move forward.


STEP 1: Hangout for os x. On the Mac, go to the App store and search for EI Capitan and download it as the important first step to be followed. Once it’s done, it will automatically launch the installer. Press command q to quit. Also, check if the installer is in the Applications folder.

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STEP 2: Now go to to register and download Unibeast. After the download is a complete tap on it to install the App.

STEP 3: The next important step is plug in the USB drive on which to install OS X and launch the disk utility. Then click on the partition tab and leave the partition setting at one partition occupying the full capacity of the drive.

The partition should be Mac OS Extended. The partition should be named. Then click on options and make sure the partition scheme is set to ‘Guid Partition Table’. Click ‘Apply’ to start formatting the drive.

STEP 4: Now launch the Unibeast in the front window, select the USB drive that is formatted as the destination for the installer. Click continue and step through the pages of the app until it asks which OS you want to install. Click on EI Capitan and move to next.

STEP 5: The 2 boot modes will be shown on the next page UEFI and Legacy. In most cases, the user must select UEFI. The exception PCs motherboard uses BIOS, where legacy can be selected.

STEP 6: Once the boot mode is selected it will be redirected to the next page and the user must specify the PC’s graphics card. If the PC is with recent Intel CPU, this step can be skipped.

It is necessary for PC’s which run with graphic cards which are not compatible with OS X.

STEP 7: Click continue, Unibeast will start installing on the USB stick. This will take an hour to complete the process. In the meantime, the user can get the PC ready by unplugging all the USB devices and removing any internal hard drives other than the one on which OS x is to be installed.

If the PC has integrated and discrete graphics cards, must remove the discrete ones. Here, connect the monitor to the PC’s DVI port if it has one. This works better than HDMI or VGA.

STEP 8: Now the user needs to set up the PC motherboard’s BIOS. If the PC has a Gigabyte motherboard with BIOS & UEFI follow the necessary steps.

STEP 9: Now it is ready for installation. Plug in the USB stick on which Unibeast is installed and restart the PC. It must now boot into Unibeast and gives the option of which drive to install from. The PC’s arrow keys should be used to navigate to external and press ‘Enter’. The EI Capitan installer will now start.

STEP 10: There may be no options to choose in which drive to install EI Capitan. In that case, click the utility menu and when the disk utility opens, choose the hard drive the user wants to install EI Capitan and click on the erase tab.

When the drive has erased, quit Disk Utility and the drive should be available to select from the installer.

STEP 11: The final step is select the drive and steps into the installer until EI Capitan starts installing itself.

It will get completed in 30 minutes of time.

When it is completed restart the PC, with the USB drive plugged in it. Now, the Unibeast boot menu will display the EI Capitan boot disk. Select it and the PC still boot into OS X.

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The user can now see OS X running on the PC, yet the 100% work is yet to be done. The software will work but certain features like wifi and sound won’t be working.

The tool called multi beast is needed to configure the PC.

The Apple not allowing OS X in other PC’s here it is made possible. And this is just called as hacking so it is said as Hackintosh.

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Now enjoy Mac in Windows PC.