Rubyracer Gem 0.12.2 For Macos Sierra

He actualizado la joya therubyracer a 0.12.2, entonces me corren estos comandos en los rieles del repositorio: $ brew install v8-315 $ bundle config -local build.libv8 -with-system-v8 You are replacing the current local value of build.libv8, which is currently nil $ bundle config -local build.therubyracer -with-v8-dir=$(brew -prefix v8-315) You are replacing the current local value of.

Install Ruby 1.8.7 on macOS Sierra (10.12) with rbenv
brew install apple-gcc42 openssl libyaml libffi
xcode-select --install
export CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc-4.2
export CFLAGS='-g -O2'
export RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS=--with-openssl-dir=`brew --prefix openssl`
export CONFIGURE_OPTS=--with-openssl-dir=`brew --prefix openssl`
# I had to edit the svn repo URL in /usr/local/Cellar/ruby-build/20160913/share/ruby-build/1.8.7-p375 and change the URL from to
rbenv install 1.8.7-p375

commented Aug 29, 2017

For me brew install apple-gcc42 fails with

So I installed ruby 1.8.7-p375 with Apple LLVM version 8.1.0 (clang-802.0.42) instead, but now am getting nasty segfaults whenever gem install attempts to compile native extensions. Any pointers on how to install actual GCC 4.2 on Sierra?

[Update]: I was able to compile both Ruby 1.8.7-p375 and Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7-2012.02 with GCC 4.8 (installed via brew)

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Setting Up A Database

Rubyracer gem 0.12.2 for macos sierra 10

We're going to install sqlite3 from homebrew because we can't use the built-in version with macOS Sierra without running into some troubles.

Rails ships with sqlite3 as the default database. Chances are you won't want to use it because it's stored as a simple file on disk. You'll probably want something more robust like MySQL or PostgreSQL.


There is a lot of documentation on both, so you can just pick one that seems like you'll be more comfortable with.

If you're new to Ruby on Rails or databases in general, I strongly recommend setting up PostgreSQL.

If you're coming from PHP, you may already be familiar with MySQL.

Rubyracer Gem 0.12.2 For Macos Sierra 10


You can install MySQL server and client from Homebrew:

Once this command is finished, it gives you a couple commands to run. Follow the instructions and run them: Mojave for mac download.

By default the mysql user is root with no password.

When you're finished, you can skip to the Final Steps.

Rubyracer Gem 0.12.2 For Macos Sierra Vista


You can install PostgreSQL server and client from Homebrew:

Rubyracer Gem 0.12.2 For Macos Sierra Vista

Once this command is finished, it gives you a couple commands to run. Follow the instructions and run them:

Rubyracer Gem 0.12.2 For Macos Sierra Free

By default the postgresql user is your current OS X username with no password. For example, my OS X user is named chris so I can login to postgresql with that username.